Chapter Two

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I watched his every move while crossing my arms. He looked down with his hands in his jacket pockets. He looked back up his eye showed a white glowing circle a little one. I'm guessing that circular white orb is his eye? He took out his right hand for me to shake. I brought my hand to his boney one and hesitantly shook it. Suddenly he spoke up " my name is sans and welcome to aftertale." He looked me in the eye expectingly. Why though? Oh. " oh. I'm sorry I didn't properly introduce myself . my name is Y/N L/N at your service." I answered well....stated with a smile. He smiled back and let go of my hand . " well. Come on. I'll show you my place I don't think pap will mind." He said beckoning me to follow with a hand. I stayed put, hesitant to follow. He turned towards me and walked back grabbing my hand . " come on do you want to stay here in the cold. I wouldn't. the air out here will chill you to the bone." He said chuckling.
I stood there and groaned putting my hand to my face and laughed a little. " ok you bonehead I'll follow you. Now lead me peasant." I said smiling widely. His smile seemed to widen and he turned and started walking forward still gripping my hand. We soon cane upon a HUGE gate. He pushes it open and we continued on. I saw many monsters her but they all seemed to share the same white color to their clothes and skin. I turned to sans " Sans. Why is everyone wearing white and why are they white." I asked quite confused. He looked at me and said sadly " well .....we're all ....kinda dead yet not dead.....there was a human before you who killed everyone. Then we decided to stop resetting so this is what happened. " he looked on the brink of tears. I stopped immediately . " human wha_-" I hugged him interrupting him. " I'm sorry I .....shouldn't have asked." I said sadly I felt so ashamed for making someone cry. He hugged back hesitantly " it's.... Alright y/n were just curious." He said while hugging me tightly. We soon let go he seemed almost reluctant to let go. " so come on y/n let's get to my place so we may warm up. Its freezing out here. " he said rubbing his arm a little. I looked at him questioning it. " but your a skeleton. How can you be cold." I asked a brow raised. " cuz the cold goes right through me." He said chuckling. I just laughed a little and we charges on. I started to become cold . fuck. Why didn't I wear a fucking coat. Oh yeah . its the middle of fucking July. I shivered and rubbed my arms. Until I felt something warm being placed on my shoulders. I looked to see Sans putting his coat on me. I put my arms through the sleeves and zipped it up welcoming the warmth. I looked at him. He was staring at me weirdly. " hey whatcha staring at Sans. See something you like." I said wiggling my eyebrows. Sans blushed a deep red and looked away covering his face with the red scarf he wore. " m-maybe." He mumbled. I snickered and kept walking.

Aftertale Sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now