Ch.17 Trouble

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So cold.

So empty.

Eren whimpered at the missing feeling toward his mate next to him once he was awake. With eyes still closed, Eren groggily mumbled Levi's name as his tan hands were searching for Levi's presence of body heat.

Gradually, much to Eren's content, cold fingers touched those grabby fingers of tan hand and immediately intertwined them together. Eren opened his eyes and giving the owner of the said cold fingers his sweet, sleepy smile, "Morning Levi..."

"Morning, treasure," Levi greeted in his deep, alluring voice. He brought their intertwined fingers in front of his lips and kissed Eren's delicate fingers softly.

Fully awake, Eren realised that Levi was only wearing a dark grey sweat pants and carrying a damp towel on his shoulder, "Oh? You showered?"

"I am. Earlier I just finished morning practice with some of the fighters, your sister and your best friend included."

Upon hearing that, Eren abruptly got up from his bed, "What time is it?"

"Almost noon," Levi answered simply.

"I missed morning practice? Oh my glob!" Eren released his hand from Levi's and sprinting into the bathroom for a quick wash up.

"You know that morning practice has ended, right? There is no need to rush!" Levi half shouted from their shared bed.

There was a pause before Eren poke his head out from the bathroom, "You are right... but since I missed the morning practice, now I need to get ready for the afternoon practice, no?"

"Alright. I'll help you with the practice after we get some light lunch first."

"Oh, really?" Eren beamed happily. However, it turned into a slight pout instantly, "But don't you have some Alpha duties to do? Like, I don't know... that paperwork of yours?"

Levi rolled his eyes at the mention of his so-called-duty, "I will tell Farlan and Isabel to cover my duty for today. Also, my paperwork is mostly from our company, The Green Cape. Don't worry though, those shitty paperwork can wait, I'm sure Erwin would understand."

"Well, if you say so. Wait for me, okay? I am gonna take a quick wash up!" Eren blew some kisses at Levi before he closed the bathroom door shut, earning a low chuckle from the raven Alpha at the adorableness of his somehow-virile-mate.

Thus, no more than fifteen minutes later, Eren stayed true to his words and finished his quick wash up. They both headed into the kitchen right away to grab a light lunch before they went for an afternoon practice.

Once they arrived, they met with Rose-Maria who was eating her lunch by herself. And when Rose-Maria saw Levi and Eren entering the kitchen, she stopped her middle-eat and smiled, "Alpha Levi! Eren! Good afternoon. Would you like some sandwich for lunch?" She offered.

"Afternoon, Rose-Maria!" Eren greeted back with a beaming smile, but later, he frowned at their surroundings, "Why is it so... empty? Where is everybody?"

"They already ate their lunch. Just now, some went for a wash up, some are taking a rest from the morning practice, and some went on a guard duty. So, sandwich?" Rose-Maria offered again.

"Just a slice for each of us, please. We are about to go for the afternoon practice, can't do that with our stomach full," Levi said as he took a seat in front of Rose-Maria, while Eren sat next to him.

"Your mother made this. I kinda help her a little bit," Rose-Maria explained as she handed a plate of sandwich to each of them.

Eren took a small bite and chewed slowly, savouring the taste. He paused, licked his lips, and nodded to himself, remembering the familiarity, "Yep, definitely my mom's taste. The meat is half-cooked, just like the way she always makes them. Speaking of my mom, where is she anyway?"

Call My Name - Levi/Eren (Werewolf AU) - AoT/SnKTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang