Ch.05 Discussion

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The tingling sensation from Levi's touch made Eren almost whimpered, almost. He tried to resist his urge by closing his eyes and controlling his breath.

What a wrong move.

As he shut his eyes tightly, he could feel Levi's breath getting closer, and closer, and closer onto his beautiful tan face. Levi's act could mean anything, but for Eren, he only thought about one thing; Levi most likely was going to kiss him.

"Levi," Eren let out a breathy voice. Still closing his eyes, he didn't dare to open them. He felt how those steel-blue eyes piercing right through him; it would turn his tan body into a puddle of goo if he opened his eyes at that time.

Whenever Levi touched him, he couldn't explain the overwhelming sensation that came right through his body. True, he felt safe and sound, protected, and comforted around his mate; just like what Hanji told him. But on the other hand, he felt something more, something that making his heart won't stop hammering like crazy.

He felt hard to breathe as if he was going to die. A good kind-of-way to die, though.

"Eren, your heart beating so fast. You need to calm down," Levi murmured.

"I am trying!" Eren bit his lower lips. Levi seemed very compose, then the nervousness that Eren felt toward his own mate was a wonder.

Levi was now caressing Eren's cheek again. At first, Eren was about to squirm away from the touch. But the second he opened his eyes and met with Levi's concerned gaze, the brunette felt the rush of calmness ran through his body.

"Am I scaring you?" Levi asked gently, yet the tone sound unsure.

Strangely, the tender stare and soothing voice from the Alpha made his nervousness gone; it quickly changed into a feeling of calmness.

As a small smile formed on Eren's rosy lips, he shook his head shyly, "No, I just—"

"Bow down to the queen, for I have finally arrived to your humble adobe! All hail to me and only me, meee!"

Much to Eren's shock, Hanji was suddenly come into Levi's room, cutting whatever Eren was about to say at that moment. No knocking, no warning, she just barged in with her head held high, brown eyes looking at the ceiling of Levi's room, and fingers wiggling in the air, trying to look as fabulous as ever.

But that was until she adjust her eyes a few meters from where she stood. There, she saw Levi and Eren; both were looking astonished from Hanji's arrival, unmoving like a statue while Levi's hand still lingered on Eren's cheek.

Hanji stopped whatever motion she was making and gasped dramatically, "Ohhh, what do we have here? Oh. My. Gosh! Did I just interrupt your mating ritual? But sadly, that has to come to wait. We are about to start the discussion, so—"

Hanji didn't get to finish her sentences because Levi already let out a menacing growl. The sound of the bones cracking could be heard in the background as Levi shifted into his wolf form, the towel that used to wrap around Levi's waist was laying on the floor with no meaning at all.

Now, because Levi's height only 165 centimetres tall, most would think that his wolf form was going to be an average size or even below the average. But despite his not-so-tall-figure as a human, his wolf form showed otherwise.

A big, black, Alpha wolf stood intimidatingly in the middle of the room, letting out another growl toward Hanji.

Levi's wolf form was so big, so huge, it made Eren's eyes widened in disbelief and mouth hanging open in awe. Even though the colour of his fur not exactly covered with all black fur, instead mixed with white on each side of his face, it's still the blackest and also the biggest wolf Eren ever saw in his life, it's even bigger than Alpha Hannes or Mikasa's wolf form.

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