Author's Note: New ERERI Story

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Hi, everyone!

I know it's not related to Call My Name. But I just want to let you know, if you're interested in ERERI (you know, the one with top!eren and bottom!levi kind of thing), then you'd probably want to check my new story called Old Castle with a little pinch of my shitty attempt of humor in the middle of their romance and not to forget, the smut on later chapter! Check it out and give me some love there! c:

Wishing everyone who read this a good day/night! <3


Old Castle's Summary:

Despite the unappealing background story about how an old castle in Stohess neighborhood being sold with such a cheap price, Eren still bought it and even invited his family to visit his new place. A home sweet home. But, little did Eren know that the old castle had a basement with something hidden inside, or in this case, someone. Someone as wild as an abused animal that used to live in darkness with a chain wrapped around his ankle. But also someone that eventually warm up and learn to love Eren Yeager. The thing is, will their relationship finally going somewhere or they ended up getting nowhere?

I never good at summary. // Friendly reminder that this is an ereri AU. // Explicit for mature content on later chapter.

Call My Name - Levi/Eren (Werewolf AU) - AoT/SnKUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum