Dreams turn to Nightmare

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"Yes. I am going to their house. Just tell Lorina," Alice texted back. She looked over to see Edith and Jessica check the phone. They stopped laughing, realizing Alice wasn't joking.

"Alice. Our ride's here! Let's go," Peter smiled. He clutched Alice's hand. Jessica was red with rage. Jessica had a huge crush on Peter, and he was touching Alice! They were just about to leave the school, when they were blocked by Alice's friends.

"Hey Alice! Where are you going?" Sibyl greeted. She had had a bad feeling that Alice was with them, and she was right.

"I was thinking we could all walk to the library and work on some homework?" Amy suggested. Ramin looked down at his feet with disappointment.

"What Amy means to say is, we do her homework," Ramin corrected. Ralph smiled and punched Ramin's arm in a friendly way.

"I think Alice's knows what she means dude. So are you coming?" Ralph asked. The Wonderland group was getting inpatient and wanted Alice to deny their request, fast.

"I'm sorry guys, but I already have plans," Alice responded. She walked off, not looking back, and her new friends followed behind her. The Wonderland gang, along with Alice, made their way through the crowd of people blocking the limo and slid in. All the students had seen Alice get in and were shocked. The limo drove off, leaving the school far behind them.

"Alice?" Sibyl questioned with some tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe Alice had just done that. Ralph went over to comfort her.

"I have a crazy idea! Why don't we follow the car," Ramin suggested. They all looked at Ramin like he was crazy. He never had crazy ideas.

"No, let Alice have her friends. Beside we all have activity's to go to. I have basketball practice, followed by foot, then an early start for soccer!" Ralph remembered. He let go of Sibyl and ran off down to the gym, waving goodbye to his friends.

"I have a fencing tournament coming up. Maybe you guys should come," Ramin proposed. He walked over to the school parking lot and got into his truck. He drove off to his training.

"Looks like it's just you and me Amy," Sibyl said. Sibyl's phone went off and her frown got worst. "Never mind. I have debate club..."

"Hey don't sweat it. I have my computer club to go to. Alice still loves us. She just now has more friends and people to hang out with after school. You should be happy for her," Amy assured. Sibyl faked a smile and the two walked to their clubs.

The car ride to the house was something strange. The limo was a lot bigger inside than it looked outside.

"So..." Alice broke the ice. No one was speaking or looking at each other, and it was not a pleasant atmosphere. "What do your parents do for a living? If you don't mine me asking." Mr. Gowland was driving the car and looked back to answer Alice's question.

"Their parents were all born very wealthy, if you haven't noticed," Mr. Gowland explained. They did look very rich, and played the part so well.

"Well... My mother use to work for the Queen," Vivaldi spoke. "But, I've forgotten which one. I wasn't allowed to know."

"Our parents work together!" Peter chimed in. Alice thought about how it would feel to work for royalty. She wondered where there parents worked, and if they ever got to see them. Dee and Dum joined the conversation. Dee tugged at Alice's dress.

"Hey Big Sis! Guess where our parents work!" Dee questioned. Alice didn't want to play guessing games at the moment.

"They work in the army! They kill all the bad guys!" Dum answered. Alice was shocked that the twins were happy about their parents killing people. Alice couldn't bare knowing people she cared about killing others. She felt bad for the two little boys, but they didn't seem to really care what their parents did.

"I believe my dad makes guns," Boris blurted out. Alice turned her attention to Boris. Their parents were really violent. Boris realized that it upset Alice. "Don't worry, he rarely uses them."

"My Papa is a knave for the Queen. He'll never be the bad kind of course," Ace implied. Alice finally accepted that their parents had, how to put this, weirder jobs than most parents.

"What about you guys?" Alice asked Elliot and Brett. Elliot thought about it for a little bit, trying to remember.

"All I know is that he works for Brett'a family. We're sort of in debt to them at the moment. Not that that's a bad thing," Elliot remembered. Alice turned her head to Brett. Brett looked up.

"Vivaldi and I are siblings," Brett spoke. That was a surprised Alice didn't see coming. They were both beautiful, so I guess they could path as siblings.

"Are you the oldest?" Alice asked Brett. Brett shock his head. Vivaldi chuckled.

"Other way around darling," Vivaldi corrected. Alice blushed form embarrassment.

"I would have never guess you two were related. You both get along so well together," Alice complimented. Vivaldi and Brett faced each other.

"You have no idea darling," Vivaldi informed. Pierce had been really quiet, but finally broke out of his shell.

"Hey Alice! Do you want to know what my family does?!" Pierce beamed. Alice shook her head yes. "They clean up dead bodies..." Before Pierce could finish, Boris covered his mouth and pulled him away from Alice.

"Ignore this rat. Our parents work together. I guess you could say we always have Pierce for the main course," Boris grumbled. Pierce looked terrified and started to squeak.

"Alice. Boris is bullying me!" Pierce cried out in fear. Boris released Pierce and he scurried over to Alice and placed his head on her lap.

"Pierce, if you don't mine me asking. What made you want to become a teacher?" Alice remarked. This man was so youthful and Alice was curious. Pierce lifted his head up and looked Alice straight in the eye.

"You see. Mary forced me too. No one else would step up to do the job..."Pierce was never able to finish his sentences because someone would always pull him away from Alice. This time it was Peter, who pulled Pierces arm. Pierce realized what he had just said, and had almost blown their cover. Peter and Pierce both smiled, the smile that they were hiding something. Alice was just confused.

"Kiddo, we're almost there," Mr. Gowland called from the drivers seat. Alice looked out the window and in came the view of the biggest mansion Alice had ever seen. But for some reason it looked so familiar to her, like she had been in it before.

"Do you like it Alice?" Brett calmly asked. Alice's mouth dropped. She was stunned that she would be able to go inside, and that her new friends owned the place.

"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Alice stated. Vivaldi rolled her eyes.

"I wanted the castle," Vivaldi complained.


Hi readers! Sorry it took so long to update. I've been doing a lot of things with my family and I haven't been able to actually write anything. Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that August 20 is a very important day. It was the day I finished the script to Back to Wonderland. If you don't remember me saying this, this story I am writing was originally a script I wrote. Now I'm putting it in story format. I've been thinking of putting the script on Wattpad so people can compare it. Comment if you think that would be cool or if you want it.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the new chapter and have a wonderful day! Love you all.

~Blair Anderson

Back to Wonderland (Heart no kuni no Alice fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora