Wonderland is back

Start from the beginning

"What's you name dude?" Ralph broke the ice. The red eyed student extended him hand to Ralph. Ralph took the hand and gave a good. firm handshake.

"My name is Peter. Peter White!" Peter introduced himself. Peter seemed very happy and was about to grab Alice again, but a beautiful lady grabbed him before he could even touch Alice.

"Peter! Why did you stray from the group!" The divine girl was flawless on the outside. She was even more beautiful than Sibyl, which is saying a lot since Sibyl is the most popular girl at school. The new women looked at Peter and than noticed Alice. She grinned and gave Alice a hug. Alice did not except that. Why were strangers giving her so many hugs!

"Who... Who are you?!" Ramin beamed. She had struck his heart, and he was never going to recover. The women seemed to be a natural at dealing with this type of thing. She got close to Ramin and became very flirty.

"I am the Queen of..." Before she could introduce herself, Peter pulled her away.

"This is my exchange student friend Vivaldi! We are both pleased to meet you, but we must get back," Peter informed. Vivaldi was pissed that Peter had grabbed her without permission!

"Since when are you in charge of me!" Vivaldi screamed in the most powerful voice any one had ever heard.  "I want to speak with Alice!" Peter was not amused and ignored the queen's wish!

"I'm sorry Alice, but we must be on our way!" Peter pulled Vivaldi behind him and they rejoined with their group.

"How the hell do you know people like that Alice!" Amy marveled. Alice had no clue how she knew them! She was just as confused as everyone else in the cafeteria.

"Alice. You do help with tours at the school because you want them to feel welcome. Maybe the principle told them about you?" Ramin suggested. Ramin remembered the first time Alice showed him around the school, and she still does.

"You should go find out darling!" Sibyl stated. "And the blonde one is mine!" Alice got up from the table and strolled over to the office. Alice was about to go in the office when a tall handsome man ran into her. Alice fell to the floor and looked up.

"I'm so sorry..." Alice could have sworn she had seen this man before. Maybe he went to her school, but she would remember those eyes. How did she know him!

"No, it's my fault. Let me help you," the appealing voice spoke. She wanted to stay right where she was and feel protected by this new man in her life. Alice finally snapped out of the moment and remembered why she was heading over to the office.

"I'm sorry about early, but I must be on my way. Excuse me!" Alice pushed him out of the way and entered the main office. The man gave a sigh, not completing him job.

"I don't think she remembered me," Blood said. Vivaldi came over to her younger brother and tried to comfort him, but he was not as disappointment as she thought.

"If it makes you feel better, she didn't remember me or Peter," Vivaldi sighed. Peter wasn't to happy. If anyone need to be comforted, it should have been him. Ace was still in a good mood, for he was just happy to see Alice's face.

"She'll remember me of course! She loved me the most," Ace sang. He was fantasizing. Boris didn't like that.

"What do you mean she loved you the most! I was her best friend! I am her best friend!" Boris protested. The knight and cat were again fighting about Alice, but weren't they all. "May I remind you that you forgot to tell Julius about this trip! He's not here with us, and who's fault is that! You forgot him!"

"Hey! Think of the positive. Alice won't remember!" Ace crocked. Boris was sick of this group already. They were all idiots!

"How is that positive. Alice is going to freak when she finds out!" Boris yelled! No one was doing anything to stop them. Soon Peter was starting to have one of his panic attacks and started to walk over to the cat and knight.

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