"Gowland! I'll kill you unless you stop the torture!" Boris screamed at the top of his lungs! Just before Boris could take the violin away, Pierce Viller came and ran right into Boris. Boris got up and saw the poor mouse.

"BORIS! I'm so so so sorry I ran into you," Pierce quivered. He knew that Boris was going to bully him. He always does. The only way he would ever feel safe is when...

"Alice!" Pierce ran over to greet the girl. Gowland knew that he had to stop playing the violin. He knew Alice hated it. Pierce gave Alice a huge hug. "May I squeak a kiss?" Pierce asked while he was coming in for the kiss. Alice escaped and denied the offer.

Pierce is the well known dormouse, or as others call him the sleepy mouse. He drinks too much coffee and loves to try a kiss Alice. He hates to go to sleep. He's terrified that if he goes to sleep, Boris and the Bloody Twins will play a prank on him.

The Amusement Park is the best place to have fun, but when Alice wanted some piece and quiet she would visit the Clock Tower.

Julius, the Clock Maker was the first person Alice met, other than Peter. He can be cold and rude, but he is kind.

~Julius is fixing a clock at his desk~

Julius was behind in his work as usually, so he wanted no distraction. Just as he was about to finish a clock, Ace pop in.

"HI JULIUS," Ace blurted. Startled, Julius dropped the clock, which shattered into a million pieces. Ace was dragging Alice behind him. It was obvious she was forced to come. Ace looked down at the broken clock and looked back up to see Julius. "Sorry." Julius was not happy with Ace.

"What are you doing here, " Julius snickered. Alice knew that Julius didn't want to be disturbed, but Ace didn't really care.

"We came to bring you outside," Ace cheered. Just before Julius could yell, Ace pulled him from behind his desk and pulled him outside. Another thing about Julius, he hates the outdoors. He hated that Alice was in Wonderland, but now he enjoys her company.

Whenever Alice goes to sleep, a special guest visits her in her dreams. Nightmare, the Caterpillar. He use to only enter her dreams, but now he lives at the Clock Tower.

~Alice is walking around in her dream~

Alice was use to this dream she had so often. She just had to wait a few seconds and...

"Hello Darling." Alice turned around to see that the voice belonged to Nightmare. Nightmare was smoking his pipe, as always. Alice started to smile.

"Of course it's you. Who else would it be," Alice thought. Nightmare was listening to her thoughts and decided to answer.

"Have there been any others who enter your dreams?" He loved to listen to her thoughts. Alice wasn't as amused by it. Before Alice could have a conversation with Nightmare, she woke up. The person who woke her up was Gray, the Lizard. He's Nightmares right hand man, even though a while ago he tried to kill him. He's always trying to keep Nightmare on task and he knows that if he can't find Nightmare he's in Alice's dreams.

"Sorry Alice, but I need Nightmare to do some papers. He's fallen behind again and I can't do this work. Was he in your dream?" Gray felt bad, but he knew Alice didn't mind.

"Yeah, but you woke me up so he should be in here any minute," Alice yawned. She was right, and Nightmare came running into the room.

"ALICE ARE YOU..." Nightmare realized that Gray was in the room. He always got worried when Alice woke up without his permission. He still hadn't figured out that Gray kept waking Alice up.

"Lets go Nightmare. You've got a job to do for once." Gray started to grab Nightmare, but he dodged him and jumped over right next to Alice.

"Hello, Darling! Where were we before we were rudely interrupted." Nightmare was about to kiss Alice, but Gray grabbed his collar and pulled him out of the room. "See you later doll!" When the door was closed, all Alice could here was Nightmare puking on Gray.

"Guess I can't work now! I'm sick!" Nightmare rejoiced.

"You're always sick!" And with that, Gray made Nightmare work.

The last territory is Hatter's Mansion. The Mafia lives here. Blood Dupre, Mad Hatter, is the overall boss of the mafia.

~Blood is at his desk~

Blood started to drink his favorite black tea. He also had a lot of papers to fill out. The only person he would allow in right now was Alice, but that's because she would be reading a book. Anyone else would just be annoying. Of course, someone knocked on the door.

"The only person who would knock on the door would be Alice," Blood snickered. Before Blood could get up to open the door, Elliot March hopped in himself.

"Boss, a whole bunch of faceless mafia members are trying to attack the mansion!" Elliot panicked. Blood showed no emotion. All he did was drink his tea.

"Are we winning and are they a threat?" Blood asked.

"Well, only the twins are fighting. But they will stop unless they get extra pay. They're not a big threat and the twins are doing an okay job for more money" Elliot responded.

Blood just stared at Elliot. "Than why are you coming to see me. Leave this room and get to work."

"Yes sir, but..." Elliot got cut off by Bloods gun. He had shoot his tea cup. The tea spilled all over his papers and desk. Blood looked up, still holding the gun in his hand. That meant it was Elliot's last chance to leave.

Elliot may seem threatening at first, but he has a big heart. He always wants to do his best and help Blood whenever he can. Blood could care less about anyone, but himself. Still, they made a pretty good "team".

Dee and Dum were outside during this, holding their axes. Of course they were killing all of the useless faceless mafia members that were fighting them. Dee and Dum were winning.

"Shouldn't you two be inside! You're just kids," one of the faceless men shouted. Dee and Dum just looked up from their job.

"We need to kill the bad guys," Dee said.

"Because we're good little boys," Dum responded. And with that, all of the faceless men were turned into clock. They do their job and expect to get paid well. Sure they may look like kids, but never underestimate them.

It's an unusual world with unusual people, and Alice was very heartbroken to leave.


Hello everyone! Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Please feel free to like, comment, and follow! I also want to give a shout out to my best math friend who is going to read this, Spencer. Spencer, you're an okay guy and I hope you will publish your Baranick Fanfic some day so the world can read it! 

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