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Taylor's POV:

I woke up.. my head banging from last night, I sat up and turned my alarm off on my phone, after a thew stretches and yawns and staring into space for about an hour I was ready to get up.

I walked over to my closet getting my school uniform out, I'm in my first year of sixth form, year 12 and they still make us wear uniform. I pulled up my skirt that was far too short for my schools rules and my black knee socks. I buttoned up my shirt, grabbed my black leather back pack and my round Ozzy glasses and headed out the door. The sun was shining bright and even though it was only morning it was pretty hot out, oh I do love summer.

I pulled my phone out and texted Macy telling her to meet me at Starbucks, I needed coffee.

As I walked through the door the bell at the top of the shop door rung causing a thew people to look over at me, one person caught me eye. I squinted a little as I didn't have my glasses on but I was right, it was Bradley walking towards me.

"Hello trouble" he said smirking at me, my centre ached as he said the little nickname he's been calling me lately.

"H-hi Bradley" I said trying my best not to sound desperate or shy.

"Shouldn't you be on your way to school" he said raising an eyebrow

"I needed coffee" I said approaching the till.

"One Iced Latte please" I smiled at the man serving me.

"Sure anything for the prettiest girl in the shop" he winked at me and in the corner of my eye I saw Bradley stiffening up and his jaw clench.

"Alright mate come on, she's gotta get to school" he slightly raised his voice causing the man to scurry back and quickly make my drink.

"Here I'll pay" Brad smiled charmingly at me.

"No you don't have to do that"

"It's fine anything for my... Sister in law?" He said giggling a little confused.

"Ha no, that's only if your stupid enough to marry the dragon" I said walking out the shop with Bradley by my side putting my sun glasses back on.

"Don't you think that skirts a little short for school?" He said biting his lip and raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe but I like it" I said patting it down.

"So do I" he winked at me. Brads always been flirty but that totally shocked me, not that I'm complaining.

"So do you need a lift to school trouble" he asks walking over to his car.

"Na it's cool, Macy's meeting me" I said looking down the road and seeing her walking toward me.

"Okay trouble, see you around" he winks before driving off.

Fuck that boy no that man kills me, maybe I should stop being so shy around him but I can't help it his so gorgeous, why does he have to be my evil sisters boyfriend, I'd be so much better for him.. I wouldn't shout at him or be moody, he'd be happier with me. Wait what am I saying?

"Earth to Taylor!" Macy shouts.

"Babe are you ready were gonna be late" she said laughing.

"Yeah sure" I can't tell her about the things I wanna do to my sisters boyfriend, at least not yet.

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