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This chapter is written in third person if anyone is confused


Jungkook could be seen dragging his feet across the deserted, lifeless school corridor, which was no longer in use any longer, hence giving the reason behind the emptiness of it.

He felt out of place. Dust covered inches of the window parapets while the wooden flooring was no longer squeaking but producing sinister tapping noises as he stepped. The smell was overwhelming with a rotten metal odour. It was unpleasantly unwelcoming.

He swore he saw Yeri coming into this building, despite it no longer being in use. Out of curiosity and automatic response, he followed her, though ended up in this ghost corridor.

After the lesson had finished, the majority of student were kept behind for detention after the supply teacher incident. Of course, Jungkook and Yeri were let out early. But going early was a reminder for Jungkook that he didn't talk, didn't talk to Yeri. He didn't mind falling into trouble, I mean the benefits outweigh the risks in this situation.

Jungkook quickly noted them down in his head:


1. Talk to Yeri
2. Talk to Yeri

1. Get into trouble
2. Parents finding out and fuming their anger at him.
3. Expulsion
4. Getting grounded

Yep benefits outweigh the risks!!

He never knew why, but his decisions were usually based on lists. What happens next in his life is determined by an inky pen and paper.

The tension in his body slowly subsided soon enough. As he reached a substantial double sided door, he could hear singing. Not the creepy singing that is stereotypically found in horror films, but soothing singing.

It was Yeri.

He felt the tension in his chest wash out, soon replaced by a steady calm breath.

He could imagine how she looked like. A strand of hair tucked behind her right ear, exposing her golden flower earrings. She always used to wear those. Nothing else.

He listened intently to the lyrics.

"But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark"

He was prepared to listen to more, but before he even could, Yeri's voice broke. She was crying.

From the other side of the door, Yeri had her hands buried somewhere between her stomach and knees while her forehead rested on top of her knees.

She was scared, terrified, and witless.

She couldn't protect herself anymore. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep going like this. Her strength was slowly depleting. All she wanted was for someone to hold her hand, make her feel secure for once in her life. She wanted to talk more. Go out with her friends and try on clothes like in the movies she hears; desiring to hold a hand that doesn't smell of metal or a hand that stretches to a meter, in order to guide her. She wanted to hold something other than a guide walking cane.

It didn't make any significance if the hand was clammy; she just wanted to feel protected. Someone who can assure her that her walking stick is of no use anymore, because that person is here.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was only a few meters away from grabbing a grip of the rusty handle that leads to the sobbing Yeri.

"Why am I alone?"

That made him lose it. She wasn't alone. He kept being by her side without her acknowledgment. Oh, how he wishes she knew that no matter her circumstances, he has always been there somehow.

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