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Today I discovered the feeling of rejection. It was NOT nice. It wasn't technically a rejection but maybe the feeling of getting ignored by the person who you want to get attention from. I was quite despondent after what happened, however, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the end. And I won't give up yet. I will keep trying.


It was math class, exactly 1:30 in the afternoon, so you wouldn't expect me to concentrate on the teacher. I was just gazing at Yeri features, scrutinising each one. She looked so vulnerable. I had the desire to just protect her from anything causing her danger.

Despite me sitting there next to her, she did not move. It was as if someone cast a spell on her so that she no longer had any mobility.

"Yeri are you ok?" I asked as quietly as possible. I didn't want the teacher to catch me red handed especially because I wasn't even paying attention to what she was saying.

It was as if I was waiting for my death. I suddenly felt like I should have said nothing because Yeri said nothing... It was just utter silence.

I'm guessing the rushing blood in my cheeks, made the shade of red appear a thousand times more vivid because my friend commented on how red I am.

I was itching to just run away. I had become somewhat crestfallen.

I know it's no big deal because maybe she just didn't hear me or something, but I still have no satisfaction that she knows I exist.

Once class finished, I felt relief run through my body. I was finally able to breathe freely.

I felt too disheartened today so I ended up staying after school on the benches instead of going to the ice rink. It's something childish of me. But I ought to be because I was technically rejected by the girl I've been liking for more than a year now and the chance that I had to converse with her was ruined.


As soon as I sit down on the bench, Taehyung calls me.

"Hey Jungkookie, want to hang out?" He asks. I heard hysteric laughing in the background, obviously, it was Hoseok Hyung. I smiled lightly. I can't lie and say I haven't missed them. It's been a while since we have hung out.

"I'm not in the mood today Hyung" I lifelessly reply. No matter how much I would like to hang out, I ought to be a pain in the butt, especially because I was rejected.

"Come on, all of us are here at the dance studio, it's been months!"

"Alright, I'll come Hyung" I replied.

I have to admit I wasn't in the mood to hang out, but it soon hit me that I can count of the 6 of them to brighten up my mood.

And also it's been god knows how long since I danced...

I missed it; hanging out together, goofing around. I gained many indelible memories with them and I'm forever eternally grateful for such friends. They all might be annoying but nevertheless, they are not those cliché, fake friends you get nowadays.

I walked down the worn down footpath, tracing each footstep mark I could see on the waterlogged soil. It was pouring with rain today. Truthfully, I couldn't actually see any footmarks. It was just engraved in my head where each of my Hyung's stepped. I walked this footpath uncountable times that at once, the soil became eroded and I remembered each footstep that I took.

For me, it's just another symbol of our great friendship.

The dance studio could be seen already from where I was standing. The building itself is found just behind the main building of our high school. No one actually goes there because Namjoon Hyung is quite the frightening guy to others, so that area is forbidden for anyone, excluding us 7 obviously.

The vivid light was on, signifying someone was inside.

The welcoming, toasty heat enveloped my body as I entered inside. It's quite weird for a dance studio to be so sultry, but considering the frigid cold outside, I feel like it's really necessary.

It was snowing a few days ago. But it all gradually disappeared as the rain dropped: it all disappeared...

I no longer heard the crunch between my feet and the pale snow. No longer had the hope to one day, build a snowman with Yeri or either just Bangtan...

They all greeted me before I took my coat off. I saw Jimin skipping towards my direction.

"Uri Jungkookie!!" He says with his high pitched voice.

I chuckle but then reject his hug deliberate to see how he would react.

He has a quivered facial expression. I could tell he was about to pout his lips as he leaned forward. But before he could, I immediately bro hugged him to satisfy him. Alas! He finally smiled and sat back down in the corner of the studio. Taehyung raises his eyebrow at me signifying we do our handshake. I call it the "whip and Nae Nae".

"So why have you not hung out with us for the past few weeks?" V Hyung questions, contrasting the jolly handshake we just performed, which even earned a laugh from Yoongi Hyung.

"Well..." I sigh, "I kind of like this girl" I bit my lip because of anticipation, but they didn't say anything. "Although I'm positive she doesn't even know who I am, I've been going to the Ice rink after school as she skates there. I'm sorry young.." I speak with my head low.

"Actually, we've all been through that period of time. Excluding Tae of course" he huffs "aish that player" I thought the Hyung's will endlessly tease me, but surprisingly, they were all supportive and fathomable.

We all laugh at the same time, including Taehyung.

"Yah it's not my fault that I haven't anyone. Yet" he smirks

For a second, I thought Tae was being serious, but knowing him, we all know he probably will never be taken seriously...


Hello, everyone!!

 double update <3333

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