I walk down,and open the door. I locked it behind me and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. My hair was protruding out of its ponytail, my makeup was all over my face. I sigh. I rummage throught my pocket and bag and find a napkin. I opened the faucet and wet the napkins and used it as a makeup remover. I wiped off the dirt and makeup lodged in my skin and put my hair down. While I was in the bathroom, I decided that the best place to morph was here,where no one can see me. I close my eyes and focused . After a few seconds, I reopened my eyes. My wolf form reappeared in front of me. My ears were wiggling and shaking. My eyes had turned from brown to hazelin an instant. My claws and fangs sharper than ever. In wonderland terms,I was site of beauty. Being born a moth in a royal family is very common and good, but being wolf is like the most rarest jewel of them all. It's a site behold. I somehow earned it from my mother's side,father would say,to become the best queen in all of Wonderland.

I focus again,and seconds later,my wings pop out,with a glowing haze around them. I never understood the glow behind my wings. My mother told me it represents your loyalty to your world and heart. I never seen Wonderland before,as it was too dangerous for me. I admire the person I see in the mirror,wondering what will happpen now. Will I have to admit that I have powers,or can I keep it a secret for my life's sake????

Suddenly, I hear the door shaking and a tapping.

"Crimson!! Batman's calling for a mission meeting!"

"Coming! I say,as my wolf form and wings collapse and disappear to thin air. I unlock the door and outside was Kid Flash,or Wally. He zooms back to and I run off towards the mission room

Batman had pulled up a holographic screen of a place with three red dot blinking every two milliseconds. Robin had his arms crossed and M'ghann was looking at me,excited. They were all masked and ready,except me.

"Crimson,your here. Now we shall begin debriefing the new mission." I tried holding in a smile. It's not me,its a netherling thing,alright.

He explains that the satellite radar has picked up four mysterious objects located in happy Harbor,Gotham,Atlantis and Central city. Only thing is: they seem to be emitting radio waves,but Justice League can't figure out why.

"Your mission:Find out what this objects are and see if they are a threat." Batman states in a monotone voice.

They group us up by who lives where

M'ghann,and Superboy will analyse Happy Harbor

Kid Flash and Artemis will check Central City

Aqualad will go with Aquaman to Atlantis ( although,it would have been easy for me to go,cause I have the ability to grow a fin and gills and breath underwater,although,I wouldn't look very human,and more monster that Atlantis.)

".... And Robin and Crimson at Gotham."

"Aww,man. I wanted to have the new girl I could have scored with her. Ain't that right, baby?"he zooms over to me and touches my cheek. Immediately, my mind went back to last night,and I started feeling a rush of panic run through me. For a second, I magic run through me and I though I was gonna blow my cover. All of a sudden, a hand flung up and slapped KF's  hand away from me. I look back and see Robin staring at Kid with a death glare. Wally looked at him and nonchalantly said, "Or maybe not..." and zooms off.

I stood there in silence. No one,not even netherling,ever protected me. I was shocked. Robin glares at the pacing Wally as he moved his hand away from me and looked back at me,now with softer eyes.

"Sorry,didn't want him wasting our time to get to know each other before the mission. That way we don't start conflict during the mission or Batman will blow a socket." He says,and smiles. I started laughing quietly,and then it started growing louder. He smiles as I throw a fit of laughter and walk off with him,cracking jokes every so often.

Robin was just like my father. The Mad Hatter would always crack up jokes,no matter what. It was hard not to laugh at humor,especially for netherling humor. Being wolf is no exception,as wolves have an innate sense of making jokes and throwing them back. Robin also protected me,just like my father.

"So, tell me something about yourself,Crimson. What did your parents do before?" He asked.

"My mother was a stay home mom,and my father was a writer. In fact,they have ancient history. My mother great grandmother was the mind and my father's great grandfather was the writer behind the childhood story,Alice in Wonderland." I stated.

I hear the team right behind me,"Wait what??!! You're the descendant of Lewis Carroll!!"

"The one and only." I said smiling.

Artemis walks over to me," My sister used to read that book to me when I was little,every time I wouldn't go to sleep. It's an honor to meet a descendant."

I smile. I felt wonder struck. For the first time, I felt proud to be born a netherling,even though they don't know it.

"Thank you for your kind words. People never treated me like this before. People thought I was literally a part from the fairy tale !" I say. I grab Robin's hand.

"Let's go." I say, smiling.

He shows me to his bike and tells me to get on and hold on tight  to him. I get on and he starts the engine. He begins and hung onto for dear life.

Claws And Scratches(YJ Fanfic w/ an Alice In wonderland Twist)Where stories live. Discover now