Some Very Good Cooking! (EWG)

Começar do início

Paul: Chop up to thinly slice the cucumbers.

Dawn: You can do it, Paul.

Paul: Eh.

Tracey: Very good!

Dawn: Add the ingredients to the bowl. I won't mess up this time. Cucumbers! Mayo! Pepper! Salt! Carrots! Yeah!

Paul: You can't yell like that if you're actually cooking.

Dawn: I know.

Paul: Mix. Wait...what?

Dawn: Paul, you're mixing it too quickly.

Tracey: Failed...

Clemont: score...75 points!

Dawn: Aw.

Paul: We both messed up.

Dawn: Yeah.

Clemont: Next up is...Rocketshipping!

Jessie: Prepare for trouble, we're here to cook!

James: Make it double, we'll do this by the book!

Barry: UGH! I don't have time to listen to that!

Jessie: Ugh.

Clemont: Your recipe will be...pork cutlet! Who's gonna go first?

Jessie: I will. Tenderize the meat.

James: Smash it like crazy, Jess!

Jessie: HI-YA! HI-YA!

Tracey: Very good!

James: Remove the tendon. Remember where to cut. I can do this. Uh...over there! And there!

Tracey: Very good!

Jessie: Tap and roll the ingredients to coat with flour and egg. Put it there. This is easy.

Tracey: Very good!

James: Roll in the coating of breadcrumbs. This is taking a while.

Jessie: Didn't you read? You have to tap it!

James: Tapping!


James: I'm trying! YAS!

Tracey: Very good!

Jessie: Deep fry. When they float and change color, remove them to serve. I'll just put everything there.

James: There's no time limit, Jess. You could've just done it one by one.

Jessie: It's quicker this way.

James: You're doing it, Jessie!

Jessie: YEAH!

James: Arrange the plate!

Jessie: Better make it fancy!

James: Got it! Let's put some corn over there!

Jessie: Don't forget the actual food.

James: Put the cutlet over there. Fix up the corn. Put some fries there. I think that's good.

Tracey: Very good!

Clemont: Alright...100 points! Congratulations!

Jessie and James: ALRIGHT! *high five*

Tracey: Good job, Rocketshipping!

Clemont: Next up is...LeafGreenshipping!

Leaf: Oh boy.

Gary: Let's do this!

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