Part 5: Back to the start

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Lily's POV:
I remember it as if it was yesterday, It was my 15 birthday. Our whole pack was singing when a horrifying howl erupted my eardrums from inside our pack house my head jolted up towards the sound coming from upstairs in my parents room.

There was something wrong as that howl was an ambush alert, before I could even wonder and investigate I felt hands grab my wrist. My head snaps to my arms and my muscles relax when I realize it was Kira.

"We need to hide!" I give a quick nod before we start to run past the shocked visitors and into the dark basement inside a tiny closet. The first scent that pasted my nostrils even with the doors blocking the way the stench seeped through like smooth oil was vinegar meaning only one thing.
They tend to smell like that with a hint of pepper and vulgar bitter medicine.

Out of the blue I heard the words, the last ones from the 2 people I dreaded to hear this from the most.

"We both love you with all of our hearts" my parents said in unison and the voice was cut off and I heard menacing screams soared through the house to the basement. I didn't want to admit it but it was as clear as the sky that my parents souls were separated from their bodies that night in our own home we lived and grew up in.

Hey! OMG first of all 300 reads like I can't right now! Thank you so much! Sorry this chapter was really short
Anyways hopefully I can get 5 votes before part 6 comes out!

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