Chapter 13- Ever Wear a Bridesmaid Dress?

Start from the beginning

"Couldn't I just sit in the audience seats? Why me?" I asked.

"Well, Lisa thought you would make a great bridesmaid. Don't worry, you'll look absolutely gorgeous! Oh, and in 20 minutes from now, we're going to the wedding shop to choose your dress. I was happy that you don't have school today, so it gives us more time for preparations." Said mom. I groaned. Dresses were one of my enemies, I was fine with party and prom dresses. But not long or too overboard ones. Especially where everyone would see me.

I groaned again. I really wonder what I look like in a bridesmaid dress. They are no doubt, very long. I'd have to carry a bouqet of flowers in my hand as well. What a mess.

I suddenly snapped my thoughts about Nathan. I told him I would come to his soccer practise, but I had to know when.

Me: Btw, when's your soccer practise?

Nathan: 1pm in afternoon.

Me: Oh....ok

Nathan: You sound like you've been freaked out by something.

Me: did you know?

Nathan: Megan, I's a kind of thing of my senses.

Me: Well, my mom has just told me some terrible news

Nathan: What?

Me: I have to be a bridesmaid for my cousin's wedding!! (-_-)

Sent at 8:42 am today.

Nathan: Sorry for the late reply...but I was laughing my head off...please don't get mad

Me: See? I knew I would look stupid in a stupid dress!!

Nathan: I'm sure you'll look beautiful, no doubt about that :)

Me: Thanks! :D....but that's still not gonna lighten my mood up.

Nathan: I really can't imagine you as a bridesmaid...

Me: Whatever.

Nathan: Hey, you'll look fine! Trust me...

Me: Hmmm.....

Nathan: Ouch, that hurt. So you don't trust me?

Me: Well....

Nathan: Megan!!

Me: Lol, I do trust you...just I know I'll look weird..

Nathan: You worry too much...just don't and you'll be great :)

Me: Thanks...and bye :)

I tucked my phone away, rubbing my face as well. I was tired a bit, so I went to the bathroom to splash water on my face. Mom said we were gonna leave in 5 minutes, for my dress. I wonder what the other bridesmaids look like. They will be way prettier than me, I bet you.

Mom got ready in 2 minutes and we left immediately.

Well, here I come sweet dress.


Mom drove us to a shop called "Style's Wedding Boutique". It was huge, and I'm not kidding. Very fancy and elegant as well. Mom spoke to the front dress and said I was here for the bridesmaid dress fitting for Lisa's wedding. Lisa had actually organized this for me in the first place. Mom led me to the back of the store. I was in awe. My eyes widened as I examined the room. There were fitting room and racks and racks of white, peach and pink bridesmaid dresses. And in the room, were 3 beautiful girls sitting on chairs. They immediately looked up at me when I entered.

"Well, I'll leave you with these girls. Call me if you need me!" Said mom. Then she left me in the room, with the 3 girls gawking at me. Ok, I felt suddenly shy and awkward, standing there.

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