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It had been six days since I took over for Mikey.

He is recovered and tonight is my last show.

Me and Gerard had been writing Beatles lyrics on ourselves for the past six shows ever since my first one.

And its time to prepare for my last one.

I wore a shirt in honor of Mikey.

One of his own creations everyone knew the shirt.

It had his fuckin' name on it.

Only Mikes can do that and still be cool.

I got my outfit on and fixed my hair and went to find Gerard for his marker,

I knew exactly what I was going to write on my arm tonight.

"Gee! Where is your marker!"

"On my bunk babe."

I went grabbed his marker and wrote out my final message.

I felt of arms wrap around my waist.

"So Ms. Black what are we sporting tonight.?"

"Why don't you look for yourself?"

He looked at my arms and smiled.

And completed the saying when he wrote

Forever on his neck.

"Now come on Bells we have a show to rock."

"My last. But it was a great experience."

"I am glad you think so come on!"

I said my good byes to the stage as soon as the final note was played on my bass.

I handed it off and went off stage.

I grew attached to the live crowd. I loved the rush it gave me.

And the person it turned me into.

Soon a sweaty kiss on my cheek broke my chain of thought.

"Eww Gee!"

"What? You are just as sweaty so shut up!"

"Haha. Come on we should get to the bus."

"Now hold on. I want to give you something."

"No sugar I don't anything from you being with you is enough."

"Well too bad because you are taking this and you are going to like it."


"Now shush. I know the whole thing with your dad have been bothering you and I thought I might get you something to take your mind off of it for a while."

"Gee you didn't. I won't accept it."

"Yes you will. Here."

It was a velvet box.

"What is it with you guys and giving me jewelery?"

"Because I love you and these things will last forever."

"You big lush."

"Now open."

I looked down at the golden bracelet and smiled.

"Its because you inspire me. With whatever you do. When you sing, when you play, when you smile, when you laugh, the way you dance when you have a dress on, the way you perform with me on stage, the way you look at me when its just us, and the twinkle you get in them when I know you are perfectly happy and not thinking about anything else but us. You inspire me Isabella Black and I love you so very much."

"Oh Gerard."

He took the bracelet and put it on me.

"I love you too."

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You were right."

"About what?"

"This did make me forget."

"Told you."

"Now come on, its been a long night and I am tired."

"Okay come on."

I slept good that night.

Like the bracelet was something that took bad dreams away that and being held by an angel.

I woke up to a ruckus and Gerard not next to me.

"Oh shit Gee can you believe this! This is huge!"

"Man it is!. She looks great! They had amazing shots of her!"

"You think we should wake her and show her."

"Nah just let her sleep. We will show her when she wakes up."

I stumbled to the front of the bus where the couches were.

"Show me what guys?"

"Babe come here you should look at this."

"Look at what?"

He handed me the magazine and I just froze....

"Oh my gosh.."

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