Nothing too flashy

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I took the black dress and went to the bathroom to change into it.

"Bob I will be back I am just going to try this on okay?"

"Sure babe take your time."

I closed the door of the bathroom behind me and proceeded to change, my usual

Outfit of a band t-shirt and jeans, to a shape fitting black casual, shiny dress.

I looked in the mirror and fixed my jungle of hair and stepped out to find three Different pairs of eyes looking at me.

"Hey guys...what do you think?"

Frank was the first to say


Then Mikey

"So beautiful!."

And last but not least Ray.

"You look wonderful Bells."

"Thank you guys so much, do I really look nice?"

"Yeah Bells, we do not lie."

"Aww gesh thanks I wonder how Bob guessed my sizes on everything?"

"Well he took a pair of clothes you wear all the time and looked at your shoes for your shoe size. And then asked the sales lady to find something a bit more lady like for you and he bought everything she gave him."

"Including the accessories Ray."

"Oh yeah and the accessories right."

"Gosh I don't even know how to thank him."

"He did it Bells because he cares, it would insult him if think he did it to get something in return."

"okay I will just shut up and enjoy the clothes.."

"And plus we got you some neat stuff too!!!"

"Oh Frankie you guys didn't have to."

"Yeah we did because Bob was so not gonna outshine us!."

"And we love you."

"Oh Mikes thank you."

"Hold on we will be back in a minute with our gifts."

I stood there and waited for the guys to come back. It wasn't long.

They each stood side by side and Frankie stepped up first.

"Well my gifts aren't as awesome as the others but its more me more than anything."

He gave me a nicely wrapped box and I unwrapped it.

And it revealed a jewelry box.

"Frank what did you get me?"

"Just open it hun."

I opened it and it revealed two pieces of jewelry.

The first one I pulled out was a ring.

It was a white gold band with a red stones that goes all

Around them and with designs of guitars and music notes.

"Frankie...oh my.."

"Keep going hun. Look inside of the ring."

I looked inside to see an inscription and it read

"For my sister I love you tons. Xoxo Frankie."

"Oh Frankie!! Thank you so much!"

"That's not all."

I went through the box again and pulled out a necklace.

It had a guitar pendant, that was an exact copy of Pansy but smaller.

"turn it around sweetie."

And this one said

"now you have your own pansy. Xoxo Frankie. Ps. Now you can stop stealing mine. =]"

"Oh gosh Frank."

"You were worth it."

"Me next! Here Bella."

Mikey got a case and opened it and he showed me a brand spankin' new cherry red bass.

"Its custom made to fix exactly you and no one else. And I have a feeling you know how to play."


"Now shush and say you love it."

"I love it Mikey thank you."


"Now the best for last!."

"Go on Toro. What extravagant gift did you get me?"

"Nothing too flashy but I thought you might enjoy it."

He pulled out a guitar case and opened and pulled out

A black acoustic guitar with white words all over them.

I looked closer and it showed lyrics but specifically...

"Are those what I think they are?"

"Yeah every single one of them are beatles lyrics."

"Oh my gosh Ray!! Thank you so much!!!"

"Now you have your very own guitar."

"Oh gosh you guys thank, really thank you."

"Group hug!!!"

Frankie shouted

We all came together

They were like my brothers, my protectors. I loved them so much.

"You have to know that we love you right Bells?"

"I do. And I feel like I have brothers. A family."

"We are glad to be your brothers Bells and your family too."

With all this I knew they loved me. They cared about me.

I was loved and I wasn't pathetic like the voice in my nightmares said.

"I am not pathetic."

I said to myself.

This is How I DisappearМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя