That Touch

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Fuck my screwed up life.

I can't believe what I did.

Gosh this is going to be an interesting story to tell one day

I took a quick shower and changed into a band tee and some jeans.

Casual but comfortable.

I really didn't find the necessity of dressing up to meet Mikey's potential girlfriend.

And within mintues there was a knock on my motel room.

"Hey Bells."

"Mikes! Where is she?!"


"Come in!"

they both walked in and Mikey looked like a love sick puppy it was adorable.

and She looked the same way

Ms. Alicia Simmons.

"So until I finally meet you Alicia, Mikey talks about you non-stop."

"Nice to meet you too and ditto."

we all talked and laughed

and we bonded.

and soon enough it was time to start getting ready for dinner.

"Alicia can you help get ready? I have no clue what to wear or what to do with my hair, or even with make up at that!"

"Okay Izzy calm down I will help you."

She started calling me Izzy and only she was allowed to call me that.

And she felt special

"Thank you!"

"You are Mikey out! lol Wait I got to go get my bag!"

they both ran out and I smiled

thay made a great couple

if he asked her out

I picked out all my possible dresses and accessories

and waited for Alicia to come back


"Oh thanks heavens. Help me decide!"

several outfits and arguments later

we decided on an outfit and Alicia took care of my hair and make up

I looked in the mirror

She did my hair in curls but they flowed freely

And she put in two red flower clips they matched the dress

The make up wasn't too much, but she gave me red lips.

I liked red.

And I wore my gifts that frank gave me.

I am never taking them off

And my locket

"Hey can you get dressed I have to head back to Mikey's room I forgot my shoes there."

"Yeah sure I will be fine."

I went over to the bed and slipped off my clothes and pulled on the dress.

But I couldn't zip.

The zipper was located on the back, dang it.

Luckily I heard the door open.

"Hey Ali zip me up please."

I felt of hands lightly brush up against my back....that's not Alicia...that's...

Oh god I know that touch...please let me be dreaming.

And then the hands zipped up my dress.

I turned around to find those hazel eyes staring into mine.

But he was nicely dressed in a suit and hair slicked back.

"Hi. Gerard."

"Hey gorgeous you look magnificent."

"I-Gee-I um."

"See you later Isabella."

And with that he just smirked and walked out...

He left me dazed...

What is this man doing to me?!

"Hey Izzy, looks like you got the zipper up... you okay?"

"Um..huh? oh yeah just thinking I uh. Yeah."

This is going to be a long night.

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