You are going to have fun tonight Ms. Black, I guarantee it.

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We spent the rest of the day just jamming together and singing.

We sang every song we knew we could.

I felt all warm inside.

Okay okay I admit he isn't a jerk when he isn't sucking face with some other chick.

See I told you!

Yeah whatever.

We sang until everyone came in and joined us.

Ray and Frank jumped in and grabbed their guitar and mikey quickly grabbed his bass, even bob got a drum and his sticks and joined in.

"what are we singing guys?"

Mikey shouted


"Mikes I can hear you!"

"Sorry I am just a little hyper from the jam session."

"haha okay."

We all jumped in and played sang and laughed our way through the song.

I can honestly say this is the most fun I had so far!

Seeing everyone together makes me feel complete.

So happy to be apart of this family.

After we finished we just lounged around and talked until I looked at me watch.

"Oh shit. I have to go get ready!"

"Alright sugar, I think I will too."

"So where are you heading off to?"

"Mikey I know this will be hard to hear but...your brother asked me out on a date."

"Its about damn time!"

Everyone just started laughing.

I looked at bob. He wasn't he just smiled.

I need to make sure it's okay with him.

"Hey Bob can I can talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah sure."

We walked to the back and made sure we were alone.

"What do you need to talk to me about Bells?"

"I just...I just wanted to make sure that you are okay?"

"Okay about oh! Hun. I am okay. I just want you to be happy."

"Are you sure? I can tell him no."

"Bells. I am fine. I am getting along fine. Okay? Don't worry about me. I just want to see you happy. That's all I really want."

"You are so wonderful Bob Bryar. And you will see she is out there. Just wait and she will come."

"I know. No go get ready before Gerard throws a fit!"

"haha okay!"

I went and got my outfit and shoes.

Slipped them on and put on some make up nothing almost.

Just mascara and some lipstick.

And went for a final check in the bathroom mirror and had went to the couch to wait.

"well Ms. Black don't you look all sorts of beautiful."

"Oh thanks Frankie. Where is gee?"

"Oh he is having an epic battle with his hair."

I could hear him

"Son of a! stupid black dead cells just work with me!!"

"I think I will wait. And sit down with you guys."

"Alright then."

"Do you guys have any idea where he is taking me?"

"Yeah but we are not allowed to tell!"

"oh come on!"

"nu-uh we are not telling."



Ah frank so fun to mess around with.

And soon enough Gerard popped out of his bunk a little cheesed off but he was okay.

"You alright there?"

"Yeah stupid hair..."

"So how do I look?"

"gorgeous sugar."

"Now where are we going?!"

"Na uh I am not telling until we get there. It's not that far just a block or two. Come on!"

We walked out and the guys shouted

"Have fun you too!"

"Bring me back something!"

"Be safe!!"

"Use protection!!"



I swear that boy can cause a ruckus.

"Tell me please!"

"Nope. Just wait you will love it."

"I don't know."

"Now hush its just right around the corner."


We walked around the corner of the block and to my surprise..

Something magical was just there.

I didn't even notice it when we drove into the city.

I was just amazed and delighted.

"You are going to have tonight Ms. Isabella Black. I guarantee it."

I looked at what was in front of me. And smiled and replied.

"Oh Mr. Gerard Way I believe you are right."

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