I Could Have Done a lot worse

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"Hey we came here to eat not to witness you two sucking faces."

"Bella...calm down."

"Sorry Bob."

"What does that bother you Isabella?"


"No I think its just rude to go that in front of everyone and in a restaurant like this."

"Oh I am sorry I am not classy like you Miss thing."

"Gerard...I suggest you really get a handle on that thing of yours before I end up doing something that will possibly ruin this dinner."

"Alexis calm down and behave yourself!"

She took her hands off Gerard and went back to looking at the menu.

We ordered our food and had random conversations about anything we laughed and started to enjoy the diner that wasn't until Nasty had to keep pushing it.

"Stop looking at her!"


"Gerard I said stop looking at her!"

"I don't know what you are talking about now pipe down and finish eating."



"NO Gerard not until you tell me why you look at her like that?"

"Like what I look at her just like any other girl."

"No you look like a love sick puppy when you look at her."

"Sit down and calm down!"


"Sit Alexis you are making a scene!"

"Oh what it speaks! What you are trying to steal Gerard from me!"

"I am not! We are just friends."

Yeah sure we have kissed but we can't be together.

"Yeah right! I see you looking at him too! And you have a boyfriend!"

"So guys what about some dessert?"

Mikey tried to get us to stop but it was no use.

"I care about Bob and that is why I am with him you dumb twit!"

"What did you call me!?"

"I said dumb twit!!"

I knew I pushed her buttons because she was lunging toward me but Gerard grabbed her and I just stood there with a smirk on my face.

"I said relax!"

"What you are just going to stand there and let her talk to me like that!"

"You are acting ridiculous Alexis! So yeah I am!"

And then she slapped him.

"What the hell!?"

And I couldn't stop myself

I reacted in a very strange way

I got up and walked up to her and punched her straight in the face

"Now don't you dare put your nasty ass hands on him ever again! You hear me!? Or else it will be worse next time!"

She fell to the ground and I got up grabbed my bag and walked out.

"Sorry for the scene and disruption of your dinners, but she had it coming."

I told everyone in the restaurant.

And I headed out the door and hailed a cab and went back to the motel.

As I went to my room and let all my anger out

"Stupid air head! I can't believe her! ARGH!"

I went and sat on my bed and just calmed myself down.

And got some ice for my hand.

And 15 mintues later I heard a knock at the door.

"Open up Bells its me."

I groaned and went to the door.

I didn't even bother to change.

I was to angry and a bit lazy to.

"What do you want Gee?"

"I want to talk to you."

"What about?"

"What happened back there."

"I thought Bob would come instead of you."

"Well he thought he should give you some space and I told him I was going to talk to you and apologize for Alexis behavior."

"Okay apologize and please leave."

"Bella...I am sorry for the way she acted. With everything but did you have to punch her?"

"Oh trust me I was going easy on her I could have done worse."

"Okay okay...and can I make a comment on something?"

"Yeah sure why not..what is it?"

"Are you jealous of Alexis.?"

"Yeah...no!...well maybe...just a little bit...yeah...fuck ....Gerard I can't...I shouldn't feel this way about you."

"So you do feel something!"

"Yes...I am a horrible person but yes...Gerard I-"

I was cut off by his lips pressing themselves against mine...oh lord his lips taste like heaven

Please help me

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