Chapter 13

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When Mal walked through the doorway, she was met with a spiral stone staircase leading upwards. Mal hesitated then walked up the stairs. When Mal got to the top of the stairs there was a short hallway lit by paper lanterns with a golden sun-like logo on them. At the end of the hallway was a wooden ladder that was built into the wall, It led to a hatch in the roof. Mal decided to wait for someone else to come into the hallway before continuing. The hallway was big enough for three people to stand comfortably shoulder to shoulder. Mal turned around to see who was coming up the stairs behind her, it was Rebecca, Mal stepped out of her way so she could open the hatch. As Rebecca passed Mal she gave her a smile of gratitude. "What are the symbols on the lanterns, if you don't mind me asking" said Mal as Rebecca started to climb up the ladder "They're the symbol of my kingdom" Rebecca answered as she opened the hatch.

When she opened the hatch dim light flooded into the hallway. By now Ben and Evie were also in the hallway. Rebecca had climbed up and into the room that was through the hatch. She leaned down so her head was poking through the hatch, extended her hand to Mal and said "come on, it's perfectly safe, no need to be afraid" as Mal approached the ladder, took Rebecca's hand and started climbing up she said "oh I'm not afraid, just curious" Mal finished her statement as she stood up and brushed of some dust that was on her purple jeans.Rebecca looked at Mal a little curious, she was pulled out of her thoughts by Evie climbing out of the hatch and saying "Yeah, Mal doesn't get scared easily, it's a VK thing" Evie stood up as she finished her sentence " 'VK thing'?" Rebecca asked "yeah Villain Kid, even though we aren't really kids anymore" Mal said,crossing her arms she continued "you do know who we are right" she asked "I think so" Rebecca replied Mal pointed to Ben as he came out of the hatch and said "you know who he is right?" Mal expected her to say she did because of the way she had looked at her and Ben earlier. Rebecca looked over at Ben and back to Mal then said "yeah he's King Benjamin" Ben walked over to Mal's side and stood next to her. 

While the rest of the group was coming into the room Mal got a good look at the room they were standing in. she was facing the hatch and behind it was a curved staircase that followed the wall. In the stone that supported the staircase where cutouts that held books, pictures, and various other knickknacks. To the left of the cutouts was a coat rack and another door. To the left of the door was a full length oval mirror on a wooden stand. Behind Mal was a window with outglass in it. Mal guessed that if she were to turn around and look outthe window she would see the sunset.

"so who are you exactly" Rebecca asked looking at Mal. Mal replied "I'm Mal" pointing to Ben she said "this is Ben" turning so she was facing the rest of the group she continued"This is Evie, that's Carlos, he's Jay, Doug, and Hallie" pointing to everyone in turn. "so how do you guys no Lonnie" Rebecca asked. Mal was about to answer but Lonnie spoke first "They're my friends,I met them at school" Rebecca nodded in understanding "Is Peyton home" Lonnie asked "no, but he should be back any second" Rebecca replied. Just as she finished her sentence there was a twinkling sound then the sound of someone landing from a big jump. Everyone turned around to look at the window sill where the sound came from. Mal saw a tall, broad shouldered, muscular man standing on the sill. He was wearing brown converse, light pale green paints, a medium green tee, and a open flannel of varying shades of green. He had a bag a groceries in his right hand. "Hey Peyton!" Lonnie said enthusiastically. Peyton got down from the sill and walked over to stand beside Rebecca, nodded his head and said "Hey Lonnie, haven't seen you in a while" turning to face Rebecca he asked in a hushed tone "who are these people in our house" Rebecca whispered back "they're Lonnie's friends."

Mal wasn't paying attention to what Rebecca and Peyton were talking about she was looking at Ben. Mal saw that Ben was looking a little tired and realized that she was also tired. She turned to face Rebecca and Peyton and said "I'm sorry to rush you, but we've been walking all day and I think we're all tired, do you have rooms for us to stay in?" Rebecca looked away from Peyton and at Mal and said "oh of coarse, this way" and she started walking up the stone stairs that followed the curved wall. Mal grabbed Ben's arm for a split second so she could pull him along with her and the rest of the group. Rebecca led the group to a hallway that had two door's on the right wall, one at the end of the hall, and one on the left wall. Rebecca gestured with her right hand for the group to look at the hall and said "Here you go" Lonnie put her hand on Rebecca's shoulder and said "Thanks for everything" Rebecca looked back at Lonnie and said "no problem" and left the group to figure out sleeping arrangements.

 Mal led Ben into the lone room on the left wall and closed the door behind them. Ben walked over to the single bed that was in the upperleft corner of the room, and sat down on it. Mal took off her leather jacket and put it on one of the hooks on the right wall of the room.She walked over to the bed and sat down next to Ben. Mal put her armaround Ben's left arm and rested her head on his shoulder, she said"It'll be okay" Ben grabbed her right hand which was next to hisleg, looked at their hands and said "are you sure" Mal lifted herhead off of his shoulder, looked him in the eyes and said "positive"Ben smiled a little bit at Mal's words. Mal rested her head back onBen's shoulder and said "I think you're the only one who could havestopped me from giving that wand to my mother" Ben laughed a littlebit and said "imagine if I hadn't stopped you" Mal laughed alittle and said "I wouldn't want to live in that world" Bensmiled and said "me either." they sat in silence for a while themMal said "I don't think I've told you this before" Ben said "mmm"in reply, Mal lifted her head and looked Ben in the eyes and said "Ilove you" Ben smiled and said "I love you too" Mal laughed justthe slightest bit then said "I had a felling."

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