Chapter 34

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Mal and the gang, minus Rebecca, she had decided to stay home and help clean up the mess Hans had made, were walking down the dock.

"You really couldn't find someone else to take us to Arendelle, Ben?" Doug asked, he seemed really uncomfortable with the idea.

"Doug, if I did we wouldn't be walking towards the lost revenge." Ben replied. "Plus they owe me a favor."

"What for?" Hallie asked, since she had no experience with the pirates.

"Ben let Uma and crew leave the isle as long as they agreed to not cause to much damage and work for him." Mal answered "sort of."

As they approached the ship Mal looked at it's sails that we're yellowed with age and it's weathered dark blue hull, remembering the last time she had set foot this close to the vessel.

Mal was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of someone announcing their arrival.

"Captain!" Gill yelled from the crow's nest "They're here!" before he lept over the edge and descended to the deck on a rope.

As Mal set foot on the deck she could feel her anxiety building in her chest. Ben seemed to sense this and squeezed her shoulder in comfort, she could tell that he was feeling the same way. The crew around them seemed unfamiliar to her, except for the tall, dashing, hook clasping, red coat wearing, brown haired pirate approaching them from the helm of the ship.

"Welcome aboard the Lost Revenge King an' crew." Harry announced with his arms open and slightly raised in the air. "I see you've brought the usual VK group" he said as he approached Ben "and some new faces." He added cocking an eyebrow at Doug and Hallie. "VK's..." he said walking over to Mal with a thoughtful look on his face "an odd nickname for you lot, because I'm the child of a villain and I'm not part of your group." he said placing the tip of his hook on his stubbled chin "Though we're not really kids anymore, are we." He said in a mock curious voice "What are you now Mallzee, twenty one?" He added with a little laugh "Does your kingly boyfriend finally let you have a drink?" He mocked.

She had almost forgotten how much Harry infuriated her, almost... She was just about to make a sly remark about how after all these years he still held onto that hook of his, when someone else spoke first.

"Now now Harry, what did I say about how we would treat our guests?" Said the teal haired, ocean blue leather jacket wearing, swashbuckling Captain of the Lost Revenge, as she placed her arm on her first mate's shoulder with mock reprimandation, and a hint of realism in her voice.

"With respect." Harry sighed. He looked over at Uma with a pout on his face and a softness in his eyes. "I was only having a bit o' fun cap'n."

"There's nothing wrong with that." She replied looking at him with a smile on her face and and the same soft look in her eyes.

"Did I see that right?" Mal thought to herself "Is there something going on between those two?" She was pulled out of her thoughts by Gill running up to the group yelling

"Captain on deck!" All eyes were on him now. "Oh..." he added sheepishly "you already knew that."

"Gill, go tell the crew to set sail."Uma said to the big muscled but dim son of Gaston

"Yes Captain!" He responded while saluting before walking away.

"So," Uma said turning her attention towards Mal "how's hero life treating you.... Princess"

Mal gave a hollow laugh before replying "that's none of your concern, actually. Have you figured out how to get the smell of shrimp out of your hair?" She retorted, implementing the same tone Harry had used to mock her earlier.

Uma gave a hollow laugh in reply. "Harry." She said straightening up and removing her arm from his shoulder.

"Yes cap'n?"

"Take our guests to their quarters, I need to have a little chat with Ben."

"Aye aye cap'n." Harry replied before turning around and flicking his hand in the air, indicating that the group should follow him.

"Alrighty," Harry said after leading them below deck and into a very tight corridor. He turned around to face them "these are your rooms" he said pointing to two doors, one on either side of the hall "there are four hammocks in each, figure it out." Then he pushed his way past the group and back the way they had come.

"Okay Uma," Ben said as he followed her into the captains cabin "what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Have a you done it yet?" She asked with a curious tone in her voice and a mischievous look in her eye.

"What?!" Ben said, seemingly taken aback by her question "no, I haven't found the right time." Shaking his head he added "Is that really what you wanted to talk to me about?"

"No," she signed defeatedly "I was hoping you wouldn't notice."

"I know you need to get to Arendelle" she continued from behind her desk with her arms crossed "but how fast do you need to get there?"

"Pretty fast, why?" He asked, holding his breath.

She gave a sigh replying "Because, if we make a straight B-Line we're going to run into some trouble."

He put his head in his hand asking "what did you do?"

The Lost Descendant: The Adventure Begins(a Descendants Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin