Chapter 15

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Mal sat back in her seat next to Ben and placed her napkin from her lap onto her plate. She looked around the table and listened to the conversations around her. She noticed Carlos, Jay and Peyton talking about Tourney, that didn't really peek her interest. She then shifted her focus to the conversation that Lonnie and Hallie were having. "I don't know" Hallie said "I think a person with a Bow-N-arrow and a sword would beat a person with mad Martial arts skills and a dagger" Lonnie started to make a counter statement, but Mal stopped listening before she could make sense of what she said. "So do you have any magic items?" Rebecca asked Evie "well, when we first came to Auradon my mom gave me her magic mirror" Evie replied, not really wanting to talk about their first day in Auradon. Rebecca was about to say something else when Mal was pulled out of the conversation by Ben taping her on the shoulder.

Mal turned and looked at him with a questioning look "I said ' what are you thinking about'" Ben asked when he realized that Mal hadn't heard what he had said. "Nothing" replied Mal in a nonchalant tone, Ben shook his head and said "I know you better then that" Mal gave a little sigh and replied "I wasn't thinking aboutany thing." Ben gave a little chuckle and guessed "eves dropping?" "What" Mal said leaning a little bit away from Ben "just because I'm good doesn't mean I can't eves drop once in a while."Ben gave a sigh then glanced at the time on his watch. Mal saw his expression change from happy to worried. Mal grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm towards her so she could see the time. Mal looked up at Ben with the same expression, they needed to leave as soon as possible.

Ben stood up and said "sorry to leave so suddenly, but we need to get going now if we're going to get to Corona before sunset" Rebecca stood up and blocked Ben's path out of the room saying "let me come with you" Ben shook his head and put his hand up gesturing for her to stop "I'm sorry but this is a personal matter and I don't want anyone to get involved if they don't have to" he started walking around Rebecca when she stepped in his way again saying "I know how to get there. Let me take you" Ben looked as if what ever she said wouldn't change his mind. Mal stood up and stepped so she was behind Ben, close enough to whisper in his ear, she put her right hand on his shoulder and said "Ben, if she takes us, we'll get there a lot faster. We won't be wondering around the forest trying to find our way" Ben sighed and turned to face Mal, he said "But Lonnie knows the way, we already have a guide" Lonnie stood up and said "I haven't been all the way to the castle in a while, Rebecca knows the way better then I do. She would be a big help" Ben gave a thoughtful sigh looking over at Rebecca. She in turn had a pleading look on her face. Mal knew that it would take some serious convincing to get Ben to change his mind. She was about to say something when Rebecca said "If I go with you it'll be a lot easier to get into the palace, because I am after all the princess"

 Ben gave a sigh, finally giving into the pleas of his friends " It might be dangerous" he said, trying one last time to change Rebecca's mind. She replied " I think I can handle it" Mal put her hand back on Ben's shoulder, and he looked back at her. Mal smiled because she knew that he had decided to let Rebecca come along. Ben looked back at Rebecca and said "Okay, I hope you're a fast packer" 

A/N: It'll be a while before I upload the next chapter. School has started and I had already written these chapters before i decided to put this book on WattPad. Thank you guys for all the votes and reads. the book has almost reached 100 reads in three days! it makes me happy to see  that people like to read the things I write. I will upload the next chapter asap.     ~DisneyWildLifeFanatic

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