Chapter 14

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Ben and Mal were asleep in the bed. Mal was laying on her right side, her back facing the back wall of the room. Her head was rested on Ben's left shoulder, Ben's left arm was around Mal, Mal's left arm was resting on Ben's chest which was covered by his shirt from the day before. They hadn't changed out of there cloths. Ben was laying on his back, his right arm resting on his stomach. Mal woke up, opened her eyes for a split second, squinted, then closed them again. She laid there listening to the sound of Ben's heart beat. Her thoughts were thrown back to the last time she had listened to it, when Ben had comforted her after her father's visit. Mal opened her eyes again and noticed that there was strong sunlight coming through the window above there heads. She carefully got up trying her best not to disturb Ben and wake him up, even though she had to in a few minutes. Mal walked over to their suitcases, she had enlarged everyone's bags back to normal before they had gone to bed. She got out the clothes that she needed and closed the bag back up.

Mal changed into a pair of blueish purple skinny jeans, the same pair of black combat boots from yesterday, and a dark purple tee shirt with the twin dragon logo on the front, except it was a little different. The logo also had a golden crown, like the one on the beast head crest, resting on top of it. Her jacket now also sported this logo instead of just the twin dragon logo like before. Her jacket was still hanging on the hook by the door. She walked over to the desk that was opposite of the door. She leaned over the chair, pulling her bangs out of her face, tucking them behind her right ear and placing her left hand on the desk for support, so she could look at the map which was spreed out on the desk. "hmmm" she said under her breath to herself. Mal put her right pointer finger around where she thought they were then lifted her hand and waved it over the spot that she had her finger on. A green dot appeared near where she had placed her finger "Okay so we're here....." she said to herself putting her finger on the dot, she dragged her finger over to the spot of land labeled Arendell and mumbled to herself again.

Mal was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of Ben shifting in the bed. She walked over to his side and in a quiet tone said "Ben, you need to get up now" Ben just rolled over so he was facing the wall.This is just like yesterday, more or less Mal thought. She crossed her arms and thought of a way to wake Ben up, then I hit her. Mal quietly reached for the back of Ben's neck. She lightly touched the back of his neck with her finger tips tickling him. He flinched and reached his left arm across his neck and tried to grab Mal's hand but she pulled it away faster then he could grab it. Mal snickered a little bit and, after Ben had put his hand back by his side, she tickled him again. Again he reached for Mal's hand but missed "what are you doing?" Ben asked in a tiered and groggy voice, Mal leaned over Ben and said "Because you need to get up"proceeding to give him a serous look. Ben rolled onto his back and looked up at Mal giving a irritated sigh. Mal crossed her arms,raised one eyebrow, and cocked her head to one side. "Okay, fine"Ben said proceeding to sit up and stretch.

Ben got dressed. He changed into the same pair of blue jeans from yesterday, a plain blue tee, a yellow wight and blue plaid flannel,and the same hiking shoes from yesterday. Mal had gone back to studding the map. Ben walked up behind her, looked over her shoulder at the map, then asked "Wha'cha up to?" Mal looked over her shoulder at Ben, moved so he could see the map better and said "I'm trying to figure out how we're gonna get to Arendell" Ben gave her a confused look and said "Isn't that why we're going to see Rapunzel and Eugene?" Mal turned so she was completely facing Ben,put her hands behind her on the desk for support, crossed her right leg in front her left and said "well yeah, but I wanted to at least get an idea on how we were gonna do it" Ben smiled and said "how about we worry about that when we get there" Mal nodded, took a step towards Ben, and crossed her arms. Looking up at his face she said "someone's more them self today" Ben put his hand on Mal's shoulder and said "you told me something last night that pulled me out of my slump" Mal smiled and Ben pulled her closer and kissed her on the forehead.

There was the sound of someone knocking on the door. Mal said "That's Evie" as she broke from Ben's loving grip and started walking towards the door. Ben asked "how do you know it's her?" as he turned so he was also facing the door. Mal had her hand on the doorknob as she looked over her shoulder at Ben and said "I've shared a room with her for six years, I think I can recognize her knock" Ben nodded in understanding and Mal opened the door. Standing in the doorway was Evie "Hey Evie, what's up?" Mal asked "Hey guys, Rebecca wanted me to let you know that she made breakfast for us and that it's ready" Evie replied, Ben walked towards the door so he could see Evie better, and placing his right hand on Mal's right shoulder behind the door said "that's very generous of Rebecca, sounds like a good idea" looking at Mal he continued "shall we?" Mal looked up at Ben then back to Evie and said "okay, where is everybody" as Mal opened the door completely Evie started walking down the hall and said "this way" as she gestured for them to follow her.

 Mal followed Evie with Ben close behind her. Evie led them down the staircase and across the circular room to the wooden door. Evie opened the door and walked through it leading Ben and Mal into a dining room with a big rectangular wooden table. At the head of the table closest to Mal and Ben was Peyton on his left, on the longer side of the table, was Jay. Next to jay sat Lonnie, to her left were two empty chairs. At the other head was Rebecca, to her left was another empty chair. To the left of the empty chair was Doug, sitting to his left was Hallie. Sitting to Hallie's left was Carlos. Evie walked over to the empty chair next to Doug. Mal let Ben pass her a she started walking towards the empty chairs on the other side of the table. Ben pulled out the chair next to Rebecca and gestured for Mal to sit down. As she did Ben scooted the chair closer to the table then proceeded to sit in the last empty chair. Mal looked at the food that was on the table in front of her. She saw plates with eggs,waffles, pancakes, and other breakfast foods she had never seen before or couldn't remember the name of. Rebecca gestured towards the food and said "lets eat!"

The Lost Descendant: The Adventure Begins(a Descendants Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon