Chapter 19

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Mal looked up at Ben, she could see that he was a little taken aback by Eugene's words, though he didn't show it much. Mal reassured him "I'm sure he didn't mean to offend-" "He just doesn't know why you're hear" Rebecca cut in "The last time he was greeted with an unexpected royal guest... well let's just say it didn't end well." she finished, Mal could tell that she didn't want to share more on the subject. The silence was broken by the creaking of the door. Eugene had come back, he was standing in the door way with the door completely open. "Come in, have a seat" he said gesturing for the group to enter the room.

There was a TV on the opposite wall from the door they had come through. A couch was situated near the left wall with a coffee table in front of it.  Along the same wall as the TV , to the right of the TV, was a little alcove with floor to roof glass windows, they looked out onto a small garden. in the alcove was an easel with an unfinished painting on it. On the right wall was a cabinet with art supplies. On the left of the TV was a door that led to where, Mal had no idea. On the other side of the coffee table were two chairs. 

Rapunzel, who was sitting in one of the chairs with a paint brush behind one of her ears, gave Mal a warm smile as the group walked in. "Please, have a seat" The queen said gesturing to the couch and the two other chairs beside it. Ben and Mal sat down on the couch with Lonnie, Hallie and  Carlos. Jay stood behind Lonnie while Evie sat in one of the seats, Doug stood behind her, and Rebecca sat in the other. 

Eugene was the first to speak "What calls for such an unexpected -" "but not unwanted" Rapunzel cut in sending a look at Eugene before he continued "but not unwanted visit from you're Majesty" he asked. Mal answered "We're just passing through on our way to Arendell." Rapunzel nodded "If you don't mind me asking, what takes you there?" Ben took a breath before answering "We're looking for my sister." he said "I wasn't aware you had a sister." Rapunzel replied "well you're welcome to stay the night here." she added, the paint brush that was behind her ear moved as she smiled.

 "There are some guest rooms in the east wing," Eugene said walking back over to the door "Peat can show you the way" he said gesturing to a guard who was standing on the other side of  the still open door. "It's okay dad" Rebecca said standing up "I can take them." Eugene blocked her way as she approached the  door "You're mother and I would like to speak to you, so Peat can take them." He said giving Rebecca a look that was almost as bad as the ones the maleficent would give Mal, except without the magic. That's not a very 'hero' look Mal thought. She didn't think that Eugene would act that way, granted he did used to be a thief and she didn't know him too well, but what she had heard about the prince didn't seam to fit with how he was acting. Mal pushed the thought aside as Ben got up and started walking out of the room. Mal followed him half paying attention to where they were going, she was trying to hear what The queen and prince we're saying to their daughter, but the sound of her combat boots and Evie's heals hitting the wood floor prevented her from hearing anything besides the closing of the heavy door behind them.  

They were led down a coradore to the left of the main hall. There were many rooms along the way, Mal wondered how anybody could find there way, everything looked almost the same. Evie and Doug took a room together, Carlos and Hallie, and Jay and Lonnie each too rooms too. Mal and Ben were left alone in the hall as Peat retreated back the way they had come.

"Do you think Eugene was acting a little, I don't know, odd?" Mal asked, cocking her head to one side and crossing her arms. "Maybe he's just stressed" Ben answered "Rebecca did say he had a bad experience with their last royal visitors." He opened the door to one of the last guest rooms. "She didn't tell us who that was" Mal said thoughtfully "Who do you think it could have been?" Ben walked toward her and put his hands on her arms "It's late, we should go to bed" he said in a warm pleading tone "But the sun just set" Mal said, not wanting to change the subject. "Okay" Ben replied "but if we're going to talk about this we should talk in the room" he said guestureing for her to enter the room with him. Mal gave a sigh and Ben knew he had won. They walked into the room and Ben closed the door behind them.

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