Chapter 25

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A/N- Hey everyone! I know you've all been waiting a while for this entry, and i'm so sorry that I keep making you wait for the next chapter. But it's here now. And I hope you love it. BTW did you all see Descendants 2? I loved it! Any how, on to the chapter!

Mal took the keys out of the lock and pulled the door open. She readied herself in case Eugene's imposter was close by. She took a step out and looked to her right, the cost was clear. She then looked to her left and was immediately tackelded. Someone had wrapped their arms around her, tightly. She pulled her right arm back as far as she could and thrusted it into her attackers stomach. He groaned, let go, and stepped back. When he did Mal recognized him.
"Oh, Ben!" She exclaimed "I am so sorry." she said putting a hand over her mouth in shock. He grinned through gritted teeth, his right arm clutching his waist
"It's okay" he said breathing hard "At least I know you can defend yourself." he chuckled as Mal pulled him into a hug. She felt Evie push past them. She let go of Ben, took his hand, and he turned around. Doug's face was lit with a huge smile
"Evie!" He happily greeted his fiance before she threw her arms around him.

Mal noticed Ben's eyes change from loving and relieved to concerned as he examined her with his gaze.
"What?" She asked confused. He lowered his voice and pointing to her head and whispered.
"You're bleeding." Panicked she reached up and touched the top of her head. As she brought her hand back down she saw the tips of her fingers were tinged red.
"This can't be good." She thought, though she said otherwise "I'm fine" she reassured him, smiling. Ben didn't seem to believe her but, before he could object, Lonnie spoke up.
"We should really be leaving."
"Agreed" Carlos added. They turned toward the ladder that led up into the library. Just as Doug was helping Evie up the ladder their was the sound of chains rustling. Mal gave Ben a look that said "We've gotta go."
"Wait!" They heard someone weekly yell out, their was desperation in their voice. Ben gestured for Hallie, Carlos, Doug and Evie to go up the ladder. 

Lonnie pushed passed the group and looked into the cell opposite of where Mal and Evie were being held. Mal joined her. 
"Eugenne!" Lonnie exclaimed as she tried to open the door, but it was locked. Mal handed her the keys. Lonnie pushed the door open and ran over to the imprisoned prince. Mal noticed that there were bags under his eyes and his goatee was in need of a trim, in fact he was starting to get a beard. He looked relieved as Lonnie unlocked his chains. A small smile graced his face.
"Lonnie" he spoke as he stood up "It's so good to see you." He finished before losing his balance, having to lean on the warrior for support.
"It's good to see you too sir." Lonnie replied, helping him steady himself "Now let's get you out of here" she finished. Since he was now standing Mal could get a better look at him. He was wearing a tattered, dirt covered, blood stained white long sleeve shirt and paints and he had no shoes.

Eugenne chuckled as Lonnie led him out of the cell.
"You're always so formal." He said shaking his head
"Well, you are royalty." Lonnie reasoned
"We're practcaly family. How many times do I have to tell you?" He teased. When they emerged, Mal stepped out of their way, Ben stepped aside to let them get to the ladder.
"How come you're never formal with me?" Ben asked Lonnie as she helped Eugenne up the ladder after Evie and Doug.
"Because" Lonnie replied looking down at the king as she ascended "you're Ben, my best friend since preschool." Ben shook his head as he waited for Mal to get up the ladder before following her.

When they emerged up into the library Mal had to squint at the light coming from the big window behind her. When she was standing up next to the trap door she looked around. She saw Doug fussing over Evie, asking her questions, he was a doctor after all.
"Doug stop" Evie pleaded "I'm fine." She reassured him, grabbing his hands.
"Are you positive?" He asked, concern and worry in his voice. Evie gave a little laugh
"Don't be dopey" she said, Mal could see the amusement and love in her eyes. "I wonder if I look like that when I look at Ben?" She pondered. Her thought was interrupted by Ben coming up behind her and taking her hand. She looked up at him, a small smile graced her face. Her attention was pulled away from him as she heard Eugenne start questioning Lonnie.
"What has that infernal man been up to?" He asked, his face stern but concerned and his voice filled with a festering hatred. "Are my girls okay?"
"As far as I know they're fine" Lonnie assured "They didn't seem any different. Except Rapunzel was a little more stern than normal." Eugenne nodded in understanding.
"We need to capture this guy before he finds out your free and tries something" Carlos said to the Prince.
"Yes, yes" Eugenne agreed "Lonnie" he said looking at her "get the swords." She nodded and ran over to one of the book shelves and pulled out a book that opened a secret compartment. He turned to face Mal
"Lady Mal"
"Do you think you could use your magic, if needed, to help us capture this imposter?"
She didn't even need to think "Yes of course."
It didn't take long for Lonnie to return and give everyone a sword. Just as they were ready to go and enter the rest of the castle. There was a knock on the door.

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