Chapter 18

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As Mal walked through the gates she saw what looked like the town square, long shadows from the buildings were cast across the sun symbol that was in the center of the square. Mal knew that it was just the fact that the square was empty and the long shadows, but she could't help but shudder. "You okay?" Ben asked, she looked up at him and said "Yeah, it's just not what i expected." Rebecca walked back towards the group who had all seemed to stop to take in their surroundings "Yeah it's just the lighting, come here at mid day and it looks much more inviting." Rebecca said gesturing for them to follow her up the path the led towards the castle on the top of the hill.

As they walked along the path they reached a height where they could see over the high town walls. The sun was just dipping behind two mountain peeks, it's light warming the cold night air. "This must be why the symbol of Corona is a sun." Mal heard Doug say as he and Evie came up to where the rest of the group was. "Yep" Rebecca said "Corona is famous for it's sunsets." Mal took a breath and and leaned towards Ben a whispered into his ear "This is the kind of thing that gives me hope" Ben looked down at her as they continued up the path, a quizzical look on his face "The sun setting?" he asked. "No" Mal replied "The fact that I know it'll come up in the morning."

They reached another square type area that had a fountain in the center of it. Near the back of area were two stair cases that met at behind the fountain on a platform. Mal stared in aw at the beautiful castle behind the stairs lit by the setting sun. "Welcome.." Rebecca said lifting a hand towards the castle "to my childhood home." Mal heard Hallie give out a amazed "wow!" as they started walking up the steps "Ben you should take notes for your home" Hallie said teasingly "It's a summer home not a castle" Ben replied, "Summer home, castle, same difference." Jay added with a wink as he walked up to Lonnie.

Rebecca walked up to the wooden door and pushed it open. The group followed her into a high open foyer with arches reaching from the floor to the roof, they repeated about every ten feet. Hanging from the arches were three banners, one in the center with the symbol of Corona and one on either side of varying design. Mal guessed that they were other city's and kingdoms symbols and flags. On either side of the hall were doors that led to what Mal could only assume were other pars of the castle and small tables with various pieces of art. Running from the doorway they had come through to the end of the room on the center of the floor was a long deep purple carpet with gold trim and ascents. "I love all the art!" Mal commented as they followed Rebecca, finding it hard to just concentrate on one aspect of the beautifully decorated room "My mother would love to hear you say that." Rebecca said looking over her shoulder for a second before she led the group to one of the doors on the left of the hall. "Did she pick them out?" Hallie asked, Lonnie replied before Rebecca could answer "Actually, Queen Rapunzel is an avid artist, I'm sure she would love to see some of yours Mal."

Rebecca turned so she was facing the rest of the group "Let me talk to them before you all come inside" she said as she nervously tried to fix her clothes, looking up she continued "They may not want to see you right now." "Sure" Ben replied for the rest of the group. Rebecca took a breath before knocking on the wooden door. Sounds of someone shuffling and some slight murmuring before the door was opened. Standing in the door way was Eugene, he was wearing his usual outfit except for he was wearing very fluffy slippers. His hair was a little unkempt and was grey about an inch at the roots, his goatee was almost completely grey except for the very end. But besides his hair he looked exactly the same as Mal had expected. "Rebecca!" he said enthusiastically as a loving smile lit his face "What brings you home?" but before she could answer Mal saw his eyes dart across her friends faces until he stopped on Ben "Ah.." he said a little disappointed "Royalty....What brings you here King Ben?" Ben was about to answer before Rebecca said "That's what I wanted to talk to you about, is mom with you?" attempting to peer past her father into the room behind him. "Give me a moment" he replied before retreating into the room and closing the door behind him. "Well...that was.." Ben said, Mal could tell that he was as perplexed as her, Jay finished the sentence "Interesting."

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