Chapter 10

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Mal had decided to start packing before she went to bed. Ben had thought it was a good idea too. Mal had used her magic to move her clothes from her and Evie's apartment, she had also gotten Evie's cloths for her. Mal had her bag sitting on the bed and she was finishing putting her clothes into it. Ben was also packing, his bag was on the couch."you know you don't have to come" Ben said walking over from where he was packing to stand behind Mal. She put the shirt she was folding into the bag then turned around to face him. She put her right hand on his left arm and said "I'm coming with you, you can't stop me" Ben gave a sigh, cupped her head in his right hand, gently rubbed her cheek with his thumb and said "I don't want you to get hurt" Mal laughed a little and said "sometimes I think you forget that my friends and I defeated a dragon, who happened to be my mother" Mal could see that what she had said had made him feel a little better but he was still worried "I'll be fine" she said giving him one of her reassuring smiles "and plus if we run into trouble you'll be there" Ben smiled and said "yeah, but if anybody gets into trouble we both know it'll be me" proceeding to laugh, Mal laughed too and said "and I'll be right there for you"

Mal was asleep in the bed when she was awoken by Ben lightly shaking her arm and saying "Mal, Mal it's time to get up" Mal brushed his hand off of her arm, rolled over giving a grown, and pulling the sheets over her head. Ben gave a sigh, crossing his arms he said"come on Mal" Mal, her voice muffled by the sheets, said "why, we're supposed to be on vacation" before turning so her face was in the pillow. Ben was getting frustrated, then he had a thought "come on" he said leaning over her "I'll give you a kiss" Mal gave a sigh, rolled over, and pulled the sheets off of her face so she could see him and said "hmmm, maybe, I'm still not convinced" Ben laughed a little bit and said "I'll make you strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast" Mal smiled and said "okay, I guess that will work" Ben started to walk away from the bed. When Mal saw he was dressed she remembered yesterdays events and her mood went from happy to determined. She got out of bed and got dressed. She was wearing a pair black combat boots, her pair of purple jeans with the zippers on the legs, a wight tee shirt with big purple letters saying Good is the new Bad!, and her iconic purple leather jacket, except she kept it open so you could read her shirt. Her hair was down as usual. Ben was wearing a pair of blue and gold hiking shoes, a pair of blue jeans, and a blue tee with the beast head crest on the upper left chest area of the shirt.

Ben was waiting for Mal when she came out of the bathroom after changing, she didn't have her jacket on yet, "you look nice" said Ben standing up from where he was sitting on the couch, Mal walked over to the bed and grabbed her jacket which was laying on it, as she was putting it on she said "I've never seen you wearing Blue jeans,they look nice on you. You should wear 'em more often" Ben laughed and said "I don't think a king wearing blue jeans will be taken very seriously in a meeting" Mal laughed as she walked over to his side. Ben put his arm around Mal's waist as they went downstairs to get some breakfast.

When they got downstairs they found Jay, Lonnie, Carlos, and Hallie already eating. Carlos was wearing his usual pair of black sneakers,a pair of black and wight shorts, a wight tee, and his leather jacket. Jay was wearing his pair of black combat boots, a pair of dark blue cargo paints, a red tank top underneath his yellow, blue,and red leather vest, his red leather jacket with black cloth sleeves tied around his waist, and, of course, his red beanie. Lonnie was wearing a pair of blue and pink high tops, a pair of skinny bluejeans with thick pink slashes across her calf and shins, a light blue tank top, a blue and pink hoodie, and her hair was in a high ponytail. Hallie was wearing black and wight converse, a pair of bluejeans, a wight tank top that had had big green words on it that read Be careful what you wish for!, and a green and wight hoodie that was tied around her waist.

 When Mal and Ben got to the kitchen Hallie said "good morning you two" Ben said "Good morning" as he walked over to the fridge, Mal said "good morning" as she sat down in one of the bar stools. Everyone talked for a while. Ben put a boll with strawberries and a boll with whipped cream in front of Mal then sat next to her. Mal picked up one of the strawberries, dipped it in the whipped cream and ate it "Hey Mal" said carols, Mal looked at him and said "yeah" Carlos brushed his nose with his pointer finger and said "you've got a little something there" Ben handed Mal a napkin and she wiped the whipped cream off of her face.

 Mal was about finished with her breakfast when she heard someone coming down the stairs, she looked over her shoulder and saw Doug walking towards them. "Hey everyone" Doug said as he sat down in one of the bar stools "Hey" said Jay "where's Evie" Mal asked. Doug shrugged and said "I don't know, she got up a while ago. I thought she would be with you guys" Mal looked over at Ben, he just shrugged. She looked back at everyone else and asked "has anyone seen Evie this morning" taking the last strawberry and dipping it in the whipped cream and taking  a bite. Hallie jumped up from where she was sitting, put her right pointer finger in the air, and said "oooo, I remember" looking over at Carlos and sitting back down she continued "don't you remember. She was down here reading a really old looking book and mumbling to herself" Carlos though for a little bit then said "oh yeah now I remember" looking at everyone else he continued "she said she was researching the journey. Well to be more specific, how we would get to that island" 

Mal was about to say something when she heard someone walking towards her. She looked over her shoulder and saw Evie walking towards them with a big dusty book. "Hey everyone" Evie said, and as she put the book on the island a cloud of dust flew off of the book "sorry, but you need to see this" she continued. Mal waived the dust away from her face as she leaned over to look at what Evie was pointing at. It was an older map of what looked Auradon. Mal could see just barely pokinginto the map was a new continent. It was in between Auradon and theunknown island. It was called Arendell. "Hallie" Mal asked,pointing to Arendell she continued "isn't this where you said your friends lived" Hallie leaned over the book and nodded "yep,that's definitely where I went to school" "Hey, it's right in between here and the unknown island. Maybe they can tell us something about it" Jay said thoughtfully crossing his arms. Mal looked overat Ben and said "see, this is why we need to come with you" Ben put his hands in the air and said "Hey, I already said you could come. And now I know there's no stopping you" Mal smiled at his words he's so sweet she thought but I know he's still unsure about us coming with him. Mal was jerked out of her thoughts by Doug saying "But how are we going to get there" "Maybe Mal could teleport us there"suggested Evie. Mal shook her head and said "I would have to have been there before" Evie nodded and looked thoughtfully at the book. Lonnie leaned over the book, put her finger on the west cost of Auradon, and said "I know some one who lives on the cost. Maybe they could help us. They live about a days journey from here" Ben started to nod his head and said "okay, that's our first step. Lets go"

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