Chapter 33

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The four VK's and Ben had told the rest of the group what they had seen, and a shocked silence fell over them. Ben had expressed his concern that they start to get a move on if they were going to save his sister, being instilled with a new sense of urgency, when Rapunzel offered a solution to their transportation problem.

"Oh, I know someone who's good friends with the ocean, I'm sure she'd be more than willing to help you get to where you need to go."

"That sounds great!" Ben replied with as much enthusiasm as he could muster after what he'd just seen.

"Let me just go get my conch shell to get ahold of her." The queen said as she started to walk away.

"Actually, you can't." Evie called out sheepishly. Everyone but Mal gave her a confused and curious look. "The night Mal and I were kidnapped we kind of got caught because... iknockedovertheshellandbrokeit." Evie said, the last part of her sentence coming out of her mouth in a flurry of words.

"I'm sorry," the queen replied "you were talking to fast, what did you say?" She asked with an unreadable tone. Mal thought it best if she took some of the blame for what had happened and answered the question for her blue haired sister.

"When we were kidnapped we were snooping around because something didn't feel right." Mal started, though afterwords she figured she should have left out the part about them sneaking around. "Well, the reason we were caught was because we knocked over the conch shell and it shattered on the floor." Mal braced herself for the brunette to repremand her for sneaking around someone's house that they were graciously invited to stay in. "I'm so sorry." She added, trying to lessen the blow she had delt to their generous host.

"Oh don't worry about it, " the queen replied "I get to see her next week, I'll just get another one then." Waving her hand to show that it was no big deal. Mal and Evie let out a sigh of relief, just because they were children of villains doesn't mean they like getting caught.

"But how will we get to Arendelle now?" Hallie asked as they started to head towards their rooms again.

"I think I might know someone." Ben replied, uncertainty and delicacy in his voice. Just by the way Ben was being reluctant Mal had an idea about who he was talking about.

"You're not talking about her are you?" Mal asked, she was really hoping she was wrong. There was a tension in the room coming off of everyone who had gone to auradon prep. The others seemed to notice but didn't say anything, too afraid to know what scarred even the vilian kids.

"Maybe...." Carlos started "maybe we don't have to go with them. Maybe we could figure something else out." He suggested, his demeanor becoming a little more relaxed at the thought of traveling another way.

"Maybe," Ben replied, still a little weary "but if we don't come up with something else by tomorrow morning...."

"It'll be a pirates life for us." Jay finished, trying to ease the tension with a joke, which earned him a polite chuckle from Lonnie and a sympathetic smile from Evie.

After they had all eaten dinner, well as much as they could considering their circumstances, Mal and Ben had called it a night and had excused themselves from the table.

As they entered their room Mal could sense that Ben was upset. He walked over to where his bag was placed in the corner of the room and started to get his things together for bed. Mal walked into the bathroom and changed into her pajamas, which fittingly was a pair of purple shorts and one of Ben's shirts he had left at her apartment.

When she walked out into the main room she found Ben laying in bed staring at the ceiling, one arm resting on his head while the other lay across his chest.

"Is everything okay?" She asked as she got into bed, laying her head on his chest "you seem distracted lately."
He instinctively put his arm around her before replying.

"Am I a bad brother?" He asked, Mal looked up at him a little perplexed.

"What? Ben no. Didn't we talk about this already?" She asked looking up at him.

"I know," he replied "but we were interrupted before."

"Okay, why do you think you're a bad brother?" She asked, resting her head on him again, ready to listen.

"I know the whole kingdom was spelled so that we would forget her," he gave a sigh "but now that I know about her, I can't help but feel like I missed out on a part of my life." He paused, thinking about what to say next. "Does she remember me? Has she been waiting this whole time for Dad to send in an army to come save her? Does she even want to be saved?" He let out another sigh placing his hands on his face.

Mal put her arm around him, comforting him. She couldn't imagine what he was going through. True she had just learned that two of her best friends we're actually her siblings. But that was different, she grew up with them and even before she knew they were related she thought of them as her brothers and sister. Her mind drifted to Jay, poor Jay. He had felt so left out when they all learned that Mal, Evie, and Carlos were related. But that had never mattered to her, in her mind they were already siblings, all four of them, and nothing could change that.

She was brought out if her thoughts by Ben continuing depressed rant.

"Heck, I'm 21 and I don't even know my own sister!" He said defeated "I don't know anything about her. What she likes, what she doesn't like, how she acts." He paused again, gathering the thoughts that had been brewing in his head ever since the vision in the library. "What if she doesn't like me? What if she's mad at me for forgetting her, or Dad for giving up on her?" At this point Ben was working himself up and would never get to sleep if he continued.

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you." Mal comforted "well, at least not as much as Uma hates me." She said, changing the subject.

"Hates you?" Ben asked bewildered "I thought you two were on good terms?" Mal shrugged as best she could.

"I'm never really sure how we are." She replied thoughtfully "Even before I basically made her my arch enemy with the whole shrimpy thing, I could never really read her. Even now I feel like any little thing could set her off."

Ben gave a little laugh "At least now she has Harry to calm her down." He stated, sounding a little better.

"Harry, calm her down?" Mal laughed "She had to stop him from killing you on the boat when we were right there."

"True" Ben replied thoughtfully.

"Well, we should get some rest if we're going to have to deal with the sea three tomorrow." Mal said as she reached over and turned off the lamp on the nightstand.

"Gosh" Ben replied as he did the same "I hope someone comes up with something else."

"Me too." Mal added as she snuggled into him "but just in case we should get some rest."

"You're right, good night Mal." Ben said giving her a kiss on the top of her head "love you."

"Love you too." She replied, happy to be with him, no matter where they were.

A/N: Hey all me lovely readers! I just wanted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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