Chapter 23

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A/N- I just want to thank you all, this book is at over 3,000 views! I would have never thought that it would ever be this popular,thank you! Now on to the chapter.

Mal awoke, cold and aching. She opened her eyes and sat up, everything was stiff. She propped herself up on her hand and sat on her side with her legs bent. She looked around, she was in a brick walled, stone floored room. There was a small barred window on the wall to her right that let a little light into the room. Opposite of where she was, was a wooden door with little metal bars blocking a square hole near the top. It was so dark that she couldn't see the corners of the room.

Mal shifted to a crisscross sitting position, as she did so, she noticed  that her hands and feet were cuffed to a chain attached to the wall behind her. Her head was pounding, she reached up and touched where it hurt the most and winced, she had definitely been knocked out. Then she remembered her sister, she started to panic, where was Evie, was she okay?
"Evie?" She called out, her voice echoing off the walls of her cell.
"Mal?" She heard an unsure response.
"Evie are you okay?" She asked out into the darkness, her voice full of relief.
She heard the rustling of chains to her left, then she saw her, she was also cuffed by her hands and feet, she looked tiered and battered. Her hair was messey and there were bags under her eyes. Mal also noticed that She was chained to the left wall of the room.
"I'm not really sure, my head hurts, but other than that I think i'm physically okay." Evie replied reaching up and holding her head.
Mal scooted as far over as she could to her sister, Evie did the same. When they had each moved as far as they could they were about a foot apart.
"We need to get out of here" Evie said, looking at Mal.
"Agreed" Mal replied.

"We do have a library, you are free to use it. I'm sure Rebecca wouldn't mind showing you where it is." Ruapunzel said looking over to her daughter
"I can show him" Lonnie said, standing up from where she was sitting.
"I'll come too" Jay said, standing up beside Lonnie.
"Thank you" Ben replied. He put a hand on Doug's shoulder and said  "Come on"
Doug got up and followed the group as they left the dining room.

Lonnie led them down a series of halls, making lefts and rights, and even leading them up some stairs. "If I get separated from Lonnie, i'll be lost for sure" Ben thought. When they made it to the library Lonnie turned around
"Okay, what's going on?" She asked, Ben noticed that everyone, even Doug, was looking at him
"Can you open the doors, i'll explain once we're inside"  Ben said, finally letting his worry show.
Lonnie did as he had asked, they walked into a room that was about ten feet tall with floor to roof book shelves. The wall opposite of them was almost completely made of glass, the top section was circular with a stainglass image of the crest of corona.

Once they were inside Ben closed the doors behind them. Giving a sigh he said,
"Mal and Evie are missing"
"Are you sure?" Jay asked, concern in his voice.
"Mal wasn't in our room when I woke up and I haven't seen her all day" Ben confirmed.
"Evie went to get a glass of water last night and hasn't come back" Doug said, Ben could tell that he was exhausted.
Lonnie held her chin thoughtfully, she walked around the room a bit before saying
"They wouldn't just leave" she thought for a minute  "something must have happened to them, but what?"

"I think the rest of the group needs to hear this" Jay said, just then there was a knock on the doors. They all looked at each other, fear and concern on their faces. Ben motioned for them to stay quiet before walking over to the door. He opened it and saw Carlos and Hallie.
"Oh good it's you two, we were just going to come get you" Ben said letting them in and closing the door again.
"You and Doug seemed off" Carlos started
"And Mal and Evie weren't at breakfast, so we knew something was wrong" Hallie finished.
"Mal and Evie are missing" Ben told them.
"We don't think they left, so something must have happened to them" Lonnie added.
"Should I tell them?" Ben asked himself "it might help us find them."
"Okay, the last I saw of Mal was before we went to bed." Ben stated "Mal thought that Eugene was acting weird"
"Maybe she went to spy on him?" Carlos suggested
"But even if she was spying on him, why didn't she come back?" Hallie asked.

"Maybe she ran into Evie." Doug suggested
"But that doesn't explain why they didn't come back." Lonnie added
"Lonnie, do you think that Eugene was acting weird?" Ben asked, hoping for the answer to be no.
"Actually yeah, he didn't seam like himself" Lonnie replied "but Rebecca said it was because we came here without any advanced notice."
"After you all left" Carlos started "when we asked how to get to the library he seamed uncomfortable, like he didn't want us in here."
"I'm beginning to think Mal was right, maybe he isn't who we think he is."

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