My group of friends -like I said- was not that big, but it has everything you can imagine. I've got three best friends; Candice, Grace and Scarlett. We knew each other from the place I used to work in, but now I don't. We used to hang out a lot back then and see each other every day so we got used to each other so quickly.

Candice Rivera is the socializing blonde, she's everyone's friend. She gets involve in everything anyone can imagine because her parents are so rich and they love spoiling her. She's actually my secret keeper which makes her my favorite one in the group but comparing me to her? Don't even bother 'cause she's the girl who gets everything and anything she wants, she's gorgeous and any guy wish to be with her and I'm just a potato next to her, but she also has a big kind heart and we got along so fast at first because she was so easy to talk to and that's what I love about her.

Grace Miller is my second favorite redheaded in the group, she's the opposite of Candy at some ways. She's not rich, she's not a blonde, she's socially awkward and she's actually a potato like me. We both hate and love the same things that's why it's so much easier to talk with her just like Candy.

Scarlett Johnson is the weird one in the group, not like the rest of us is normal but she adds this unique weirdness to us that makes her more special but what bothers me that she's not as connected as us in the group, she has her own world and her own style. She doesn't hang out with us all the time but she knows what goes on anyways. 

And there's this guy, a friend of Candice. His name is Niall, she makes him hangs out with us, him and his girlfriend, Chloe. I'm not exactly their friend, I just see them a lot but we're not even close to friends. It's not like I'm intending to anyways, from the look of it Chloe doesn't seem that nice. I can't see myself a friend with her.

But Niall...He's something else, I don't know how to describe him but he's just different, he's a gentleman and also so nice. But I catch him gaze at me sometimes and I find it weird, I don't get the chance to talk with him a lot either, unless it was necessary. I never wanted to be the first one to start the talking because I didn't want to cause any problem, maybe he doesn't want to, and maybe his girlfriend doesn't. Either way I don't really care about them.

I was never like this, getting bored and zoning out every minute. I was once upon a time just like them, happy and excited on everything. Somehow, I feel like my happiness is getting sucked out of me that it's getting so annoying. It's like I'm drowning in fears, worries and sadness and nobody can see or feel me.

"Seriously guys, you all need to come." As she continue inviting us and get all excited and such I was busy watching every couple walk past us, envying them for what they have and I don't.

I felt something vibrates in my pocket, cutting my thoughts off. I grabbed the phone out of my pocket and as I unlocked it, it appeared to be a message from Jack.

'I'm not staying the night don't wait for me.'

I know that every time he tells me that he isn't coming over for the night, it means that he's so pissed off and it also means that he will stay that way for days. It was something stupid, but he always overreacts like he is waiting for anything to start a fight.

Suddenly my eyes started to get watery again and I cursed under my breath that I decided to read it in front of my friends; I can't make them see me cry.

I excused myself quickly, and rushed away to the closest bathroom I could reach. I closed the door behind me, checked that the bathroom was empty and finally started to cry.

I feel like I cried for hours, but it was only for a minute or so. I wiped my tears again, starting to put my makeup when I fully stopped sobbing and crying. As I got out of the bathroom, I was surprised to see Niall, leaning on a wall next to the door's bathroom.

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