Chapter 42.

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"Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?"

One direction -Night changes.

Audery's P.O.V.

I hadn't really thought of that day before, not imagining that it would come. Ethan had known about the journal I wrote for him a long time ago. He never asked me about it anymire though.

But, just one day after he came back from school, he told me he wanted to read it, saying that it was beautiful that he could see what I thought way beofre he was even born.

I didn't really remember the last thing I had written, so I wrote one last note before giving it to him.

I can't believe you're reading this... finally. Everything that's related to you is here.. literally everything. I just want you to know that I love you. I'm so thankful that you're here and that we're bestfriends like I always wanted us to be. We love you. Both of us.


I took a deep breath, the journal pages were all filled a long time ago, but I put some last papers in it, wanting everything to be put in one place.

I almost didn't want him to have it, because once he do It would always be with him. I got used to writing in it and having it with me, but I was kind of happy he would read it.

I went out of my bedroom then downstairs to the living room where Ethan was sitting.

I sat beside him with a smile. "Here." I gave him the journal after saying this.

He smiled at it widely, excitement sparking in his eyes at the thought of reading it.

"Thank you."

I shook my head with a smile, "No problem."

I left him to read it, wanting him to be comfortable. I went upstairs and to the bedroom, sat on the bed wondering what to do until an Idea came to my mind.

I opened the drawer and got out my beloved journal. It was crazy how he thought of this and actually did it, and even more crazy that It really did help me a lot through the past years.

When I married Adam, I felt like the world is just a little bit easier to deal with, even when my mother died, or when I remembered my father.

He was always there for me, and I tried to be there for him as much as I could. All these thoughtful gifts, gentle words, kisses and even just hearing him say my name made my heart race.

I loved him from a long time before we got married, and It only increased by time.

The first few months after he died, with pregnancy and all, I really was lost, a lot of situations I would find myself saying that If he was there, It would've been a lot easier and bearable.

Imagine my relief when I found this journal, It only proved to me how much love we had to each other, It helped me through a lot just to know that he wrote it.

I read it numerous times, every time my heart would skip a beat then aches a little when I remember that this was the only thing I had from him.

Smiling at it, I opened it and started reading it all over again.

If you are reading this, that means I'm gone, I made this journal because I wanted you to constantly remember me
I want you to stay strong, I want you to be Audery that I fell In love with, the Independent woman with the kindest heart ever, I want you to smile everyday, I want you to find happiness even If It was just In a silly tv show, I'm not going to tell you find another man, because as I am writing this, I can't bear the thought, but If that will make you happy, do It. I just want you to be happy. But remember me, remember us, I love you so much lovey, much more than you could ever think.

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