Chapter 4

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"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Audery's P.O.V

It was a Saturday morning, so It was a day off and I had a appointment with my doctor.

That day I was gonna know the gender of the baby, I couldn't decide how I felt though. It was nerve wracking but so exciting to be able to know If I'm carrying a boy or a girl.

When I woke up, I decided to take a shower to ease the tension away. I couldn't feel the tension go away though, so I finished quickly and wore my leggings and a baggy t-shirt.

I headed downstairs to make myself a breakfast and texted Lucie asking her what time she was coming over. After a few hours of sitting and just thinking about a million scenario of how the day could go, my doorbell rang and interrupted me.

I got up and opened the door to find lucie standing with a big smile kissing her lips, and excitement evident in her eyes.

"Aren't you excited?" she asked, squealing.

"I'm, It's just I'm a little bit scared lucie, like the responsibility is doubled now whatever it's gonna be a boy or a girl. I don't know how to feel." I groaned while sitting on the couch.

"But It's gonna be amazing though, like It's all sinking in now and you're having a baby whatever it's a boy or a girl, It will be good anyways , right?"

"Yeah, I guess." I said still nervous.

"Come on, I would kill to be you now, having a baby and all, cheer up." she said smiling.

"Yeah, I don't think so lucie." I said in a low voice.

"Anyway, you wanna see the baby bump?" I asked after a moment of silence.

I changed the subject quickly because however it was gonna go I was happy with the fact that I was having a baby, yes sometimes I had to remind myself that I have to be thankful and happy, and maybe that day was one of those days but overall I was thankful but just nervous.

We chatted a little bit and she told me about her and Jonathan, I was happy that she finally decided to answer with details when I asked her about their relationship because the situation I was In didn't mean that she couldn't tell me anything she would normally do.

I got dressed in a tall baby blue skirt and my beloved long sleeved white blouse and baby blue headscarf, white bag and flat cute shoes. I didn't put much effort in my clothes during this time, and I still needed to buy some clothes because my baby bump started to get bigger and bigger every day.

Me and lucie headed to the car and she went to the passenger seat as usual, but before she could sit I interrupted her.

"Can you drive? I'm not feeling very well." I asked.

"Yeah of course, but are you sure you can go today? We can call them and cancel." She said with worry lacing her voice once again like all times her voice sounded before.

"No,no, I'm fine really, just not up for a drive."


We switched places and started driving through London traffic. After an hour we reached our destination. I nearly went to kiss the ground, I was sick to my stomach from the nervousness and the long ride didn't do me good.

We went to the lady at the front desk that we became so familiar with and told her our names and sat on the chairs waiting for my name to be called.

"Lucie, I think I'm gonna throw up." I told her with a hand on mouth to prevent myself from throwing up right there.

"No, audery you're not. Take a deep breath with me and stop thinking like that. Have some faith and read a magazine or eat a snack. I'm here yeah?" She comforted me while running her hand up and down my back.

"Okay, okay." I took a few deep breaths and tried to think positive until the feeling of throwing up went away.

"Audery Evans."

We got up and walked to the room, I couldn't help but think If Adam were with me , he would be comforting me and soothing me. I closed my eyes trying to get rid of those thoughts and got in the room.

"Hello audery." the doctor greeted with his well known smile.

"Hello doctor."

"So are you ready to know If It's a boy or a girl?" He asked with a cheerful voice.

Really?! , I thought.


I got on the bed and the usual routine of the nurse coming in to help the doctor happened like a movie replaying over and over.

After a few minutes and the doctor telling me that the baby's health was very well, he was ready to drop the bomb.

"Well congratulations audery, It looks like you're having a baby boy." He told me with a big smile on his face.

I kept staring at him a few minutes, literally few minutes before nodding and thanking him, quickly wanting to get out of there.

I got in the car and put my head in my hands and cried not even knowing It was happy tears or not. I felt lucie hugging me and muttering a small 'It's okay.'.

We drove home and I instantly tried to prevent myself from crying again.

"Why are you crying babe, what's wrong?" She asked while knitting her brows together.

"Because lucie, I'm having a boy, It's a big responsibility and his father Is not here anymore , I don't know If I can do It lucie." I stopped to take breath." I have to teach him a lot of things and make him a man and even better than Adam, I can't do It alone. Not without a father for him and husband for me lucie." I sobbed into her shoulder.

"No audery you can, you know you can, I can easily tell you now that you're right and just shut up , but I have faith in you and you have to have some in yourself. It is a big responsibility but you have to take It, I don't want to push you but sometimes in life you have to take some risks, you would always tell me that remember? Now just go to sleep and stop thinking just for tonight. And I'll come by tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, Thanks lucie. I love you." I told her.

I hugged her tight and walked her to the door, then headed upstairs to the large bed that was waiting for me. I changed quickly and layed In bed.

I had a big weight thrown on my shoulders, and I wasn't sad , I guess I was just overwhelmed, or In shock. I was still happy but there was a lot of thinking that needed to be done. But I had faith in God and that he was there with me, he would never leave me. I knew that someday I was gonna watch him be amazing and I would be thinking I did It.




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