Chapter 18

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"It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are."

― Roy Disney

Audery's P.O.V

Rolling the baby car on the white tiled floor, wearing my best outfit, my best perfume, and my best Independent mother reaction on my face, I knocked on the door of my boss's office. I didn't know If taking Ethan with me was the best decision as everyone was sending me strange looks, but I had nowhere to leave him and no one to leave him with. 

"Hello Audrey, long time no see." My boss, Mark greeted.

He was In his mid thirties, blonde hair put In a neat quiff,green eyes looking at my grey ones, dark blue suit, a white shirt, and a dark blue tie. 

"Hello Mark." I smiled at him. 

"And who Is that little one?" 

"That's my son, Ethan." I looked at him to find him playing with his pacifier. 

"Ahh, the one keeping you from us?" He said then ushered for me to sit down.

"You could say that." I sat down.

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about." I started.

"I'm all ears." He smiled.

I took a deep breath, looking at Ethan. "I would like to give my resignation." 

His smile turned Into a frown as he asked. "And may I ask why?"

"I have Ethan now, I don't think I will be able to fulfill my job on a daily basis, I have my own project now, so I don't think I can balance between three things." I explained.

"But, how will you receive an Income that provides a good life for you and your son?" 

Didn't I just say I have my own project?

I decided to keep that thought for myself as I replied. "I have my own project and savings." 

"Enough to provide you a good life?" He asked as a ghost of smirk appeared on his face.

"Well, that's my problem to take care of." I said politely as I could.

"I just wanted to make sure you will be okay after leaving, you have been sharing your efforts with us for four years, which were amazing for the company. We don't want to lose you."  

"Thank you, but as I said, I think I can't manage to take care of all of these responsibilities , and when It comes to my son, I would do anything to be by his side with the best choice for us both." 

"Okay, I will sign you the paper and you can go collect your belongings." He sighed.

I nodded then rose from the chair as my hands went to my baby's car and rolled It to the door. As I was about to open the door, Mark's voice Interrupted my actions.

"I don't think Adam would have been proud that you are giving up your career, you were never like that." 

I turned to face him with a smirk attached to my lips, "One day we will find out, but until then, this Is my life not yours, and he was my husband not yours, so you don't get to choose for me my best option and you don't get to say If he would be proud or not." I smiled at him then exited his office to go to mine.

When I entered my office, I found Olivia smiling at me. "Hey girl. Did you finally decide to join us again?" 

I laughed a little, "No actually, I'm here to collect my belongings." 

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