Chapter 2

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"Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts."

-Alan Cohen.

Audery's P.O.V

After countless days of doing absolutely nothing and just having memories filling my head, I decided that I needed to get back to my job and also to be mentally and physically stronger for my baby.

I was feeling better, maybe not happy or ecstatic but definitely better, I could smile, I didn't feel sad or hurt like I did before. I started to feel thankful anyways and always remembered when Adam would tell me "Nothing in the world have to make you hide your brightening smile."

He was special.

I worked as an architectural engineer for an international company, but of course after the incident I didn't have the energy or the creativity to go back to work, so I took a break and they said they would welcome me back any day when I was ready.

So I decided that day was the day.

I got dressed in a long black skirt and a long sleeved white blouse tucked neatly inside the skirt and a black headscarf, got into my car and headed to work.

As soon as I entered the office that I shared with four co-workers the room fell completely silent.

"Hey guys." I greeted, smiling a small smile.

"Hey, how have you been?" Olivia, My best work mate asked.

"I've been good, better than the first day, and I'm pregnant." I smiled genuinely this time.

"Really, congratulations." They all said in one voice smiling.

I smiled back at them once again and sat on my office chair to start my work.

The day went on and I lost myself in work, or maybe I intended to do that on purpose, until it was time to leave, while going back home I grabbed lunch and texted Lucie asking her If she could come over for the night to only have a reply after a few seconds saying she will and Jonathan said hi.

When I first entered the house, I looked at all our pictures and smiled, I didn't know if I was thankful or sad that we scattered around so many photos of us.

I ate my lunch while sitting in the living room and a few hours later the doorbell rang meaning Lucie was there. I went to open the door and hugged her tightly.

"Hey Auddy." she greeted hugging me back.

"Hey lolo." I greeted back trying to hide a grin fully knowing she hated that nickname.

"I see you are in a good mood" she said smiling.

"I have been better, not the best but better."

"I have a doctor appointment tomorrow." I said after Lucie's nod that was followed by a few moments of silence.


"Yeah, going to check on the baby." I said and my hand subconsciously went to rest on my stomach.

"Aww. my bestfriend is having a baby." she squealed.

"Yeah. So can you come with me?" I asked laughing.

"Of course I'm coming you Idiot." she chuckled and smiled widely.

We chatted a little bit more and then decided to go to sleep, we turned the couch into a bed and slept on it, I still didn't want anybody else to sleep on the bed other than Adam.

"Goodnight lolo."

"Goodnight Auddy."


The next morning I woke up and took the day off, I didn't know how they could put up with me but I liked to think of It as a help from God in a hard time.

Lucie texted Jonathan to check on him and to inform him she was going to the doctors with me, I noticed how she would always decline a phone call from him in front of me and text him instead.

I didn't entirely like that, but, maybe It was a little bit more comfortable at the time.

We ate breakfast , got dressed , and headed to the hospital. We arrived at the huge building where the turning point of my life happened.

"Hey I'm Audery Evans , I have an appointment with doctor Blake." I said smiling a little.

It definitely hurt saying 'Evans' as my last name. But still, It was our family's name.

"Yes welcomes Mrs. Evans he's waiting for you , you can go inside now." she said nicely.

We thanked her and went to the doctor's room. I knocked on the door and heard a muffled ' come in' so I twisted the doorknob and entered the room.

"Hello Audery, how are you feeling today?" the doctor asked smiling while ushering for us to sit down.

"Good, I'm not having that much of morning sickness but it was hard the first few weeks." I informed him.

"It's okay, you are now getting finished with your first trimester and I have a little surprise for you." he said smiling widely.

"And that is.." I trailed off waiting for him to continue.

"As you are in your 12th week you can hear your baby's heartbeat today."

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, my mouth hanged open and my eyes started tearing immediately.

I got on the bed and the nurse came in to help the doctor. She put the gel on my stomach and the doctor started his usual work.

After a few attempts we heard a faint sound of a heartbeat emitted from fetal heart detector.

"Oh my God." I gasped and instantly started crying harder, I could hear Lucie squeal beside me but all I was focused on was the heartbeat that was melody to my ears. I remembered Adam once saying he would kill to see this moment.

I smiled at the memory and continued crying and squeezing Lucie's hand.

Closing my eyes, I could just imagine perfectly how beautiful would it be If he was there.

I breathed slowly, then got up and covered my stomach again, ready to leave.

We thanked the doctor and he told me that If I needed anything that I had to call him immediately and headed to our homes separately.

I changed into one of Adam's shirts that day and then layed in the middle of the bed.

All of our memories came onto me like a waterfall, but I was smiling through the tears, this was no longer sad for me, I no longer felt my lungs would collapse when I remembered him, I just wished he was there with me.

I felt so much stronger after hearing the heartbeat of my baby that night, It was like the first time I comprehended that I had a little human being inside of me, I had a piece of us.

I kept remembering Adam and small tears would fall on the pillow and then thanked God numerous times until I felt my eyelids get heavy and silence engulfed me and took me to another world where all of my dreams came true.





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