Chapter 19

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"Truly madly deeply I am, foolishly completely falling." 

One direction- Truly madly deeply.  

Audery's P.O.V

I stared deeply at Linda, not believing she was really there with me. Linda, Adam's non biological mum, had been In New York for almost a year, and she was In front of me with no advanced call or text.

"He's beautiful." She says looking at Ethan.

I smiled at her then unlocked the door and let her In, we hanged our coats and took off our shoes before sitting on the couch. 

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good alhamdulillah , how have you been doing?" 

"Good alhamdulillah." She replied looking at the ground.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked her after a moment of silence. 

"Yeah." She smiled then I gave him to her. 

She held him gently and smiled down at him and I caught a glimpse of tears In her eyes but she blinked them back. I cleared my throat then asked the question that had been lingering on the tip of my tongue for a while. 

"Why are you really here Linda?" I asked softly.

"Um.. just to check up on you." She faked a smile.

I decided to drop the subject, I already had enough with the boss of mine, so I asked her to stay for dinner and went to the kitchen to start preparing It. After a few minutes I heard Ethan crying and footsteps to the direction of the kitchen.

"I swear I didn't do anything, he just suddenly cried loudly." She said In a rush.

"No,no. It's okay, he just stopped smelling my scent when I got up so he may have got panicked." I told her softly while taking him from her arms.

"He looks a lot like Adam but he also have a lot of things from you. Like he looks like both of you." She laughed.

I just smiled at her and continued calming Ethan, when he didn't calm down I excused myself and went to the bedroom to breastfeed him.

When I walked past the mirror, I felt I've gained a lot of weight, of course most of It was because of the pregnancy, but I missed working out In general, I'm the kind of girl that needs to spend time and effort to keep her shape, and also the kind of girl that loved working out.


I breathed heavily as my hands held my body a few Inches away from the floor, my hands went down to lower my body to the floor, then the next thing I knew, I was kissing the ground.

"I did It 6 times, It's good, right?" I asked him, out of breath.

Me and Adam decided to workout that day to keep In shape, we decided to start with a few jumping jacks, then push ups. I only did 6 times In a row but then my hands gave up on me.

"Yeah, It's enough babe." he laughed softly.

"Then why are you laughing?" I breathed as I stood up, deciding to another workout.

"Let's see what you have got Evans." I smirked. 

He went on the ground then started doing push ups fast, I counted for him until he reached 10 then he kept going until he reached 20 so I told him constantly to stop. So he rose from the ground, with the biggest smirk on his lips.

"So what do you think, Mrs. Evans?" He asked with his hands crossed and the smirk still evident. 

"Okay, you're amazing, way more better than me, now, let's get this over with." 

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