Chapter 26.

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"You make me strong."

One direction- Strong

Audery's P.O.V.

"Shh, baby. It's okay, It's okay." I tried to calm down my screaming son. 

He was just walking around until his leg, more specifically, his knee hit the chair, so he screamed, and was still screaming. I had already applied a little pressure on It, and It wasn't broken, and It wasn't bruising. Thank God.

After a while, he started to calm down, so I took him upstairs to dress him, as we were going shopping with Lucie and Matthew. Of course not girly shopping. I dressed him In his jeans and a blue shirt, while I wore a black skirt, pink t-shirt, and over them Adam's black and white flannel.

I took my hand bag then held Ethan's hand, slowly walking out of the house and to the car. 

"Car, mummy. car." He shouted, pointing at our car.

"Yeah, baby, that's car. you're so clever." I smiled at him. 

He clapped then I held him to put him In the car seat. We started driving to Lucie's house to pick her and Matthew up. After a few minutes, we were there, waiting outside their door. The door opened and Lucie came out with Matthew walking slowly with little footsteps beside her.

I loved how close Ethan and Matthew were, In everything. They started walking In almost the same month, they were starting to talk really well. And they loved to see each other.

Lucie opened the backseat door, putting Matthew In his car seat and tickling Ethan a little. 

"Mat." Ethan shouted at his Matthew. 

"Ethy." Matthew then shouted his own created nickname for my son. 

We laughed at them then greeted each other, while I started driving. After an hour, we arrived at the mall. To say that Matthew loved the mall was an understatement. 

As soon as he saw the glass doors of the mall, and heard the chatters of the people, he had gone mad, screaming and waving, literally pressing his head to the car window.

On the other side, Ethan was just sitting there, almost observing every little detail around him. I parked the car, then me and Lucie went to the backseat to hold them until we enter the mall.

"Helloo." I cooed.

He smiled widely at me then continued to look around. I loved that we had this connection, even at his young age, I felt we were bestfriends, having so much In common.

We entered the mall, passing the security, with smiles of appreciation attached to our lips.

Entering a shop, I Instantly remembered me and Adam deciding the baby clothes should be from here, because they had such cute things.

I smiled a little then continued my tour around the shop. After a few minutes, me and Lucie had already found some clothes for the boys.

We bought them, hoping they would fit because we didn't want to tire ourselves along with the boys by making them try the clothes on.

The day dragged on, nothing much happening other than the boys messing around or falling. And me buying some flowers for the house. We entered the food court, wanting any food that could be given right at the moment.

Feeling a little tap on my shoulder, I turned around, still holding Ethan.

"Jonathan Is coming In a few minutes." Lucie smiled.

At the name of Jonathan, Matthew and Ethan almost cheered. He was the one always playing with them and all, so Ethan automatically loved him.

A few minutes later, Lucie was already smiling and the boys were running at Jonathan. I greeted him then we all went to order our food.

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