Chapter 40.

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  "I think that the best thing we can do for our children is to allow them to do things for themselves, allow them to be strong, allow them to experience life on their own terms.." 

-C. Joybell C.

Audery's P.O.V

You truly feel excited, not for yourself, but for somebody who you really love. That was exactly how I felt that day when I woke up.

It was Ethan's first tennis match. He was 17, and started training when he was 14. He suddenly started being interested in this sport, and told me one day that he wanted to start playing it.

Every day, week, month and year, I kept waiting for the day he would play his own match, a full, tiring, and hopefully winning match.

He was a nervous wreck though. Before the match by a week or so he literally vomited from being nervous, and he always thought he would lose.

I went to wake him up after making him a fancy breakfast, a real fancy, not just a fancy cereal brand.

I chuckled at the thought then entered his room and found him sleeping soundly. I slowly walked towards his bed and sat on it then shook his shoulder gently. "Ethan, wake up." 

He didn't budge, of course. "Ethan, I made breakfast." 

He started opening his eyes slowly. "What breakfast?" He asked groggily, smirking slightly.

I smirked back at him then got up, satisfied that he woke up and told him to go downstairs. I started putting his pancakes and the rest of our food on plates in a tray then took it to the living room along with two cups of coffee for both of us. 

I heard his footsteps coming downstairs as I opened the television to watch anything, he came into view, ran his hand through his hair and sat down beside me.

"You know, the food looks so good, but I'm really scared I would throw up again." He groaned.

I ruffled his hair, "No, you need to eat. You need energy." 

"But what If I actually did? It was disgusting and.. my stomach really hurt afterwards, oh and my throat too." He said, cringing.

"Try being pregnant." I smirked.

His eyes widened then he cringed even more and told me he would eat If I stopped saying that. I laughed then we started eating and drinking. 

Two hours later we were still on the couch, his head In my lap and my hands running through his hair, trying to calm him down. We were kind of late, but he was really nervous, even more nervous than when he had an exam.

"Ethan, we have to get up now." I said softly.

He groaned a little then stood up after nodding and went to his room to get dressed. I did the same and got dressed In sweatpants and sweater. I quickly wrapped my headscarf and went downstairs to find Ethan pacing the floor.

I smiled at him then we both walked out of the flat and went to the car. Each one went to his seat then I started driving to Lucie's house. After a little while we arrived there and I texted Lucie. We saw Lucie, Jonathan, and Matthew after a few minutes and Ethan went to sit In the backseat with Matthew and Jonathan.

"Sitting beside the winner now, am I?" Matthew said as soon as he was seated beside Ethan.

Ethan smiled at him then hugged him. Me and Lucie smiled at each other then after we finished greeting each other, I started driving again. "Anybody wants a drink?" 

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