Chapter 36.

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"The bond between mother and son Is a special one, It remains unchanged by time or distance. It is the purest love-unconditional and true. It's understanding of any situation and forgiving of any mistake." 


Audery's P.O.V

I woke up, groaning as always. But this time not because I had woken up by my stupid alarm, It was the date that caught my attention and disturbed my mind. 26th of September. That day, Ethan was going to be 12 years old, which only meant one thing. 

We were going to Adam's grave. 

I ran my hands over my face as I thought about the situation, It only felt like It was a few weeks from letting him know that his father was actually dead. I let my feet touch the ground and put my slippers on then went to Ethan's room to wake him up.

I entered quietly then sat beside him on the bed and shook his left shoulder gently. "Ethan, Ethan wake up." I spoke softly.

His eyes moved under his eyelids then he opened them slowly. Thank God he wasn't such a heavy sleeper like his father.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ruffled his hair.

"Pancakes please." He smirked a little.

12 years old wasn't like 12 years old at my age. 

I nodded with a smile. "Okay, now get up." 

I got up and went downstairs to make the pancakes. It took me about 30 minutes to make the whole breakfast. Ethan was now seated In the living room. I called him and he came to the kitchen, took his plate and tea and we both went to sit In the living room again.

"Thanks mum. They are delicious." He smiled at me.

I smirked, "Don't they always?" 

He groaned playfully. "Mum, would you just please take the compliment?"  

"What? Are you saying that my pancakes aren't actually good?" 

"Mum." He laughed."They are delicious, you know that." 

"I'm just training you how to deal with your future wife, you know just In case." I chuckled.

He laughed a little then I told him I was going to get dressed. He knew what we were doing even before I realized It. I went upstairs and closed the bedroom door to get dressed.

I looked at myself In the mirror. Only two years before, I had decided that I wanted to take care of myself In general. I had lost some weight and took care of my skin and hair, bought new clothes, got back to the healthy lifestyle I used to have with Adam, basically just tried to not Ignore myself.

I also worked a little more In the orphanage and of course my main job, and among all of that, I tried to not forget that I still had a son and a man who consumed my thoughts.

I smiled at myself a little then dressed In a black skirt and maroon blouse with an also maroon headscarf. I took my handbag and found Ethan sitting on the couch with his phone in his hands. 

"Let's go." I smiled.

He nodded and went to the car and I started driving. He looked a little moody but at the moment I didn't want to talk about It, I felt It would be ridiculous to tell him cheer up when he knew he was going to his father's grave.

These two years hadn't been easy for him, I knew that. Sometimes I would feel him longing for a father when he saw Matthew and Jonathan the same way I would sometimes long for Adam when I saw Lucie and Jonathan. But, It was like we had a connection, we would both smile a little and look at each other knowing fully that we only have each other. 

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