Chapter 27.

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"I'm telling you this for one reason and one reason only: No matter how sure you are of someone's love, it's always nice to hear it."

-Mike Gayle, Turning Thirty

Audery's P.O.V.

Standing In front of the stove, I flipped the toast around In the pan. We didn't have a toaster, so this was my way of making my toast.. crispy.

I heard tiny footsteps walking Into the kitchen, along with the ringtone of my phone. I looked at my two years old son, and found him holding my phone out to me.

"Mummy. Phone."

"Thank you baby." I smiled down at him before quickly responding, not wanting to lose the caller.


"Hey Audrey." Linda greeted.

"Hey linda, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine alhamdulillah. Um.. can you come to my house? I kind of want to talk to you."

"Yeah, sure. Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah." She breathed out.

We hung up, me continuing with my breakfast after telling her I will be there soon. I took our breakfast to the living room, Ethan climbing In my lap soon after. I had started to teach him to eat by himself as start.

We ate our meal then went to the bathroom, washing both of our hands. I dressed him In his jeans and some black and white t-shirt. Then I wore my white skirt and a blue blouse with a white headscarf. Taking my handbag, I headed to the door with Ethan holding my hand, both of us walking slowly to the car.

We drove our way slowly, me sitting behind the wheel while Ethan was In his car seat looking around, something I observed he liked a lot. After arriving there, I parked the car then walked with Ethan to his grandparents's house.

"Grandma Linda?" He asked In his baby voice,with messy letters. looking at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah baby, right. And grandpa Alfred too." I smiled at him.

We knocked on the door, few seconds passing before the door widely opened. Linda smiled at us then opened her arms for Ethan, which he happily ran Into.

We walked to the living room, to find Alfred sitting on the couch and another man sitting beside him. I smiled politely at both of them, wondering who was that. Linda smiled sadly at me then took me to the kitchen.

"Are you guys busy? It-"

"No,no. He has to do with what I'm going to tell you." She looked around, not making eye contact.

"Um.. I don't know how to say that.. W-we, " She sighed collecting her thoughts. Then looked at me with a pained look, "We're getting a divorce."

No. This can't be freaking happening... not again.


I was sitting on the bed, reading a book while Adam was In the bathroom. I didn't feel well that day, so I was sat on the bed, deciding to get some sleep after Adam would go to work. The bathroom door opened, showing a fresh-showered Adam who was already In his dress pants and a white shirt.

"Babe?" He called, tilting his head a little.

"Yeah?" I smiled softly.

"Do you know how to do a tie? because I was thinking to wear It today but I don't do It good."

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