No. It's really obvious

Cmon tell me what happened

I think Sousuke just
dumped me...

Oh sheet. That's gotta hurt

Yeah it does doesn't it?


I mean not that I've experienced
it already

I've been spending valentines
day every year lying on the
couch while watching
Star Wars.

But yeah I was so heartbroken
when my OTP died. AND ON


Yeah that definitely has the same

Look maybe I can handle it
from here.

U have a day off. It must be
hard for you, being dumped
by your boyfriend.

Oh, thank you...

I'll just go for a walk.

its the digital generation

Say ty or thx/thnx

Anyways np

Good luck.

I smiled at the young girl's text. She's still a college student, and just helps me in taking care of the club. It was nice of her to give me a day off, even if she has no power to do so and the headmaster would probably
ask me about my absence.

I stood from the couch, making the white blanket that covered me fall on the floor. I had my hair in a messy bun while I wore a neon pink Nike shirt, Nike shorts and black Nike sneakers. Basically everything Nike.

I began to walk outside (but not without slamming the door). I had my iPod inside my pocket and my white earphones pressed against my ears.

Though the music was not able to distract me from my surroundings. As I was walking close to the park, I saw Eren...with Julchen. They were sitting on the brown wooden bench, holding cans of rootbeer.

I saw Eren shooting a glare at me with a smirk plastered on his face, before paying attention to Julchen talking. My eyes widened a bit, what was he trying to do?

Though it wasn't the first time Eren behaved like this. Ever since he and Julchen started going out, he's been wherever Sousuke and I went. Like it was more than a coincidence that he and I were at the same places, but with different people.

But if I had to be honest, I would say that it's true that I was jealous of Julchen. I envied that she was Eren's type, that they almost have the same personality and they have so much in common. And that she was able to make him so happy without me.

Maybe...Sousuke was right. Maybe I've been spending too much time keeping an eye on Eren that I barely had enough time to spend with him. Maybe that's why he thought I used him just to get Eren's attention.

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