I guess we all know what that means, right?

I sighed as the bell rang and was on my way to the library. I had a free period so it's not like I had anything better to do.

When I entered, I smiled at the librarian and walked towards the fiction section, picking out a few books. I quickly scanned the description of all the books and placed them back at their respective places except 'Reckless' by 'Sydney Sheldon'.

I slid against the shelf and sat down, my legs spread wide ahead of me.

When I was three chapters into the book, someone came and sat besides me. I lifted my head only to realise it was Em. I smiled at her and she returned the gesture.

You could say she was my 'library acquaintance'. We suggest each other books to read and shared our opinions on them.

As soon as the school got out, we met in the parking lot. We didn't have anything to do so we decided to go to the mall instead of getting bored in our houses. We got into our cars and drove off.

Liam, Liz and I were in the same car.

Just dandy.

The atmosphere in the car was tense. Liz was driving shotgun and I was seated back. There was an extremely awkward silence in the car. I broke it by saying, "So what are we exactly going to do?"

Liam looked at me through the rear view mirror and said "Sit in the food court, hog food, what else?" He looked at me as I was crazy to even asked him.

Liz pitched in, "Hey Liam, will you come with me to Hot Topic? I need to buy cool shirts."

Who was this girl? Liz wasn't like this.

Liam looked uncomfortable and I inwardly chuckled at him. "Um, no. But I'm sure Al would love to come!"

"Uh, yeah, sure." I replied and shot daggers at Liam. Little did I know Liz was shooting daggers at me in return. Really? What had gotten into this girl?

We reached the mall what seemed like a forever after and I quickly got outside, not being able to breathe in that intense atmosphere. One by one the cars parked in the lot and everyone got out. We all proceeded towards the entrance, being loud and rowdy.

After the security was assured that we weren't any type of terrorist, we were let in.

Liz held my hand, extra lightly I may add, and dragged me to the shop, roughly I may add.

I really don't like her right now, I thought.

I could barely keep up with her and waked in Hot Topic. She tried on shirts and jeans and every other thing you could imagine and at last, brought on two tops.

After two agonising hours of her shopping and me continuously complaining about being hungry, we joined others at the food court.

I slumped down in the chair and released a long sigh. "She is a devil, I swear. She didn't feed me for two, whole entire hours. Its a miracle I haven't died yet!" I cried out in exaggeration.

"Oh baby, I'll get you food." Liam walked away.

Blaze rolled his eyes (he thought he was discreet) but I saw him. He pushed away his chair and and walked away. I saw him walk towards some girl. I watched him discreetly (I was successful, okay?) and for once, he didn't hook up with her. Just some harmless flirting and he walked back flashing us a smirk, putting the piece of paper with her phone number in his pocket

He came over and sat down cockily, spreading his legs ahead of himself. He smiled this lazy grin which sent my heart in overdrive.

He winked at me and turned to Damien to talk to him.We all sat there for a while, eating and laughing, making memories. I dragged Liam (not as roughly as Liz dragged me) to the music store. I brought Sounds Good Feels Good and Blurry face and we walked out.

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