Stalking Sage

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Sorry if there are any grammar errors 

My name is Sage and I'm seventeen. I am five feet and six inches tall I have sandy blond hair and blue eyes. Today was just a normal day I woke up, took my shower, and got dressed then ran down stairs. my mom was standing at the end of the stairs with my breakfast.

"Mom, I going to be late, I don't have time for breakfast" I ran towards the door

"Sage, wait someone sent you a letter" she said sitting my breakfast down, I turned towards her grabbed the letter.

"Thanks mom, I have to go I going to be late. love you, bye" I ran outside to my car which was a silver dodge charger. I flew to school I pulled up in the parking lot,parked and hopped out of my car. Kayla and Lilly were waiting for me. Kayla is my best friend she acts and looks like me except she was way Skinner than me but other than that we could pass as twin sisters. Lilly and I  are good friends but she just not like me and Kayla. we are shy at time and loud at others. Lilly was loud all the time and she was extremely annoying but we still love her.  

"Sage" Kayla screamed she ran up to hug me "help me please" she whispered to me. Lilly annoyed her a lot but she hung out with her while waiting for me to get to school. I she dying to tell me the drama that happened at Sarah's Party last night. I mean at least that what her text message said.

"Hey, Lilly I'll see you next hour we have to go to class" I yelled walking away 'thank you' Kayla mouthed. I pulled her down the halls

"So what did Lilly do this time ?" Lilly was a good person but she just had to much drama in her life. She's popular more like she is the 'it' girl everyone wanted to be her she is skinny, tone, tan a bleach blond beauty.

"Oh my god, she complaining about how Antonio is in love with her, but she loves Toni's brother Marco. She doesn't want to tell Toni that she likes Marco because then he will tell Marco" Kayla mocked Lilly .I first know Antonio doesn't like her he even told me because were like brother and sister. Toni also told me that Marco likes me. I like him to but I wouldn't dare to date him because he's a huge player. I think Lilly's just full of herself and she thinks every one likes her.

"Oh my I am sorry I wasn't here sooner but my mom had to stop me from leaving to give me this letter. I think its from Victor" Victor is my real brother that's in a juvenile detention felicity.

"Victor? I thought he couldn't contact any one from the outside world for a year" that's the rules I really hope he broke them though.

"Me too but I can hope, I miss him" I almost started crying I haven't seen him in 6 months.

"Don't cry please, come on lets go to class then you can open you letter" I nodded we walked the empty halls to health class. Mrs. C is awesome the first half hour we get to talk to friends and we do stupid worksheets. Well class started and we got a substitute Kayla and I walked to the back of the class room and pulled my letter out of my bag and it read


My dearest love, I coming for you. Remember I know where you live so hiding not to much of an option so tell Kayla I said 'hi' you guys are like twins but I can tell you apart


I stormed out of the room with the letter in my hand. I ran the bathroom and started rocking in the counter when Kayla busted in.

"Sage what's wrong? Did the letter talk about Victor? Is he dead?" I shook my head. Who the hell is this D guy what dose he want?

"NO" I cried then handed her the letter. She read the letter and cried

"Who is this? How do they know me? Sage you need to tell some one"

"Kayla I don't know and I scared. why would anyone want me? I am ugly and fat"

"Your not ugly or fat. you look just like me and we're beautiful. fat you think your fat? just because you a size seven and not a zero doesn't mean your fat." she tried to sooth me I stopped crying and we went back to class. my day passed fast the last bell rang. I got up and quickly walked to my locker got my book I needed and bolted for my car.

"Cosland" I stopped to see the track teacher looking at me

"Yes, Mr. lee" I answered

"Have you ever tried out for the track team your pretty fast" I rolled my eye, did he really just stop me for that?

"No, I kind of in a hurry sorry" I said as I ran to my car. I drove home I was walking into the house and I found a envelope that had my name on it I open it and it read


Darling, I am coming soon so be ready.


I grabbed the letter and shoved it in my bag. if my mom found out she would never leave me alone again but I was going to tell my dad tomorrow morning because I am tired so I slipped into my pajamas. I jumped into my bed and drifted off to sleep  


hey, thanks for reading

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update dates will be coming soon

-Morgan <3

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