Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

          I couldn't think straight after talking to Blake, it was like he was in my head or something. I don't even remember driving home really; all I could think about was that interview. Why did he have to stand so close to me? And why did he want to see me again? I could not have made that great of a first impression on him. I park in front of my house but I just stayed in my car and listen to the tape recorder, seeing if I missed anything.

(A/N- Blake: Bold, Harley: Italic)

I see you're still looking at the painting; do you want to hear the story about it?

That's not really important Mr. Nightshade...

Miss. O'Heir, I sell art for a living that painting is worth more than your life because of the story behind it.

*Sigh* what's the story about that painting?

Glad you asked, when Lucifer fell from Heaven and became the Prince of Hell, there was an angel he left behind. Her name was Bellatrix, and Lucifer wanted her to go with, but... When she fell, she didn't fall to Hell, she fell to Earth, and became half human, and she forgot everything that Lucifer and she had together.

I don't understand, were they lovers?

Yes, they were support to be together forever, but... he was stupid and wanted more power, and she never wanted that, she just wanted him. That painting is of them, right before Lucifer fell from Heaven.

Where is Bellatrix now?

Somewhere in the shadow's Miss. O'Heir, somewhere in the shadow's.

          That's when I stopped the tape, thinking about that story he told me, why did it sound familiar? Did my mother tell me about that story when I was little? This was just giving me a headache; just thinking about him was giving me a headache. I put my recorder in my purse and right next to it, was the bag that Dove and Tullia gave me. I grab it and got out of my car. "I'm home." I scream and wait to see if I'll hear Alice yell at me, nothing she still out. "Harley!" I hear as I take off my coat and hang it up, before I could turn, I was almost knocked over by Sky who was too excited to see me.

          "Sky, calm down silly, I know you understand me, you know I tell you I'm coming right back, why do you still act like you won't see me ever again?" I ask as I get down to his level and pet him. "I can't help it, it's a dog thing. How was work?" Sky asks as we walk up to my room and I flop on my bed. "Confusing." I say as I feel Sky go to face me, his nose touching mine, "What happened?" He asks and I can hear his tail starting to wag. "Well... I had to do an interview with this guy named Blake Nightshade, and he... He..." I say as I roll over so I can sit up. "Harley? What did he do?" Sky asks showing his teeth.

          I wave him off, "Nothing, I just got a weird feeling about him, first of all, I couldn't hear his thoughts. He was blank which was strange. And he would stand so close to me, and his voice was... so dark and sexy and he had these eyes..." I start but then I see Sky was giving me a look that says I need to stop. "Anyways, I just get a strange feeling with him." I say as I get off my bed, "What do you mean? Is it because you can't hear his thoughts?" Sky asks and army crawls to the end of the bed closer to me. "I really don't know." I say thinking about Blake again, I wonder if I'll see him again.

          I will find you. I hear Blake's voice in my head and I felt a shiver go down my spine, did he really mean that? "Harley! I'm home! You better be getting ready, we have to meet everyone in an hour for dinner!" I hear Alice yell breaking me from my thoughts. "Shit! I don't know what to wear." I say as I turn to Sky. "Don't look at me, I have fur." He sassies. I glare at him, "Don't sass me dog." I say as I quickly run down stairs and pray that Alice has something for me to wear. Wait, what am I thinking, of course she does! She's a model; she gets to keep all of her clothes she models.

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