Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I open my eyes to see I'm in a red room, a red room I've never been in before. I start to sit up when I notice under my finger tips I feel silk under me. I look down to see that I'm on a king size bed with black silk sheets under me. "What? What happened?" I ask myself as I place my hand on my head trying to remember what happened. All I remember talking to Kevin then... I feel my eyes widen as I full remember, the shadow attacking Kevin, killing him.

Next time, it'll be you Bellatrix. I hear that voice play in my head again, what was happing to me? Why was I hearing shadows, why were they attacking me, and why was I having these dreams? The dreams about Angels and the Devil, and why was I in them? But why was Blake and Michael in my dreams too? I place my hand over my heart, those dream felt so real, like I've lived through them before. I thought about Blake, but they way I was thinking about him, made him look like Lucifer from my dream. Dark raven black hair, with dark red eyes that had a blue mixed in like he was fighting the angel that he should be with the devil that he was.

"You're awake." I hear breaking me from my thoughts and made me look at the door to see Blake holding a tea cup. "Blake... Where am I?" I ask as he starts to walk in and sits on the edge of the bed. "You're in my room." He says as he gives me the tea cup, "Drink this, it'll make you feel better." I look at the tea before I look back at up him. He looked worried, his blue eyes were glowing, his normal relax face was now hard. He was even wearing jeans and a leather jacket instead of his normal suit and tie.

"Blake... How did I get here? What happened at the hospital?" I ask as I take a sip of the tea that Blake gave me. I see him start to rub the back of his neck, "Harley... It's hard to explain." He says. I sigh angrily as I put the tea down, "No, don't say that." I say as I start to get off the bed. "Harley, please you need calm down and try and relax." Blake say slowly as he stands with me.

I turn my head to him, "No, I don't. I don't think you understand." I say as I walk up to him and start to poke him in the chest, "You don't understand what I've been through." *Poke* "To be born with violet eyes." *Poke* "To be able to talk to animals." *Poke* "To hear what people think of you" I poke him again as he falls to the bed and I'm standing in front of him, his eyes locked on mine. "To have dreams about you! Dreams I can't explain..." I feel tears start to fall from my eyes, "And feelings that I can't understand. Feelings that I... That I..." I can't even say it because it was to crazy to even say it.

I take a deep breath as I close my eyes making the water that was building up, fall down my eyes. "Before Kevin was.... Attacked, he told me that you were the devil, and that you were looking for an angel." I open my eyes to see Blake still looking at me, his expression the same. "That you were looking for an angel with violet eyes." I say seeing if he would give me something. "What are you asking me Harley?" He ask coldly his eyes lowering.

I slowly lower myself to the floor so I'm almost eye level to him. "Blake Nightshade.... Are you Lucifer Morningstar?" The question hanged in the room as we both sat there looking at each other. I watch as Blake blinked and when he opened his eyes again, his once dark blue eyes were now red like blood. "I thought you'd never figure it out Amica Mea." Blake whisper as I quickly stand and back up. "Oh my God...."

"Not quite." Blake says with a smile as he stand and walk over to me. I take another stand back, "You stay right there!" I yell making him stop. "Harley, I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt you." He says making me shake my head, "How can I trust you? You're the devil! The man that rules over hell and is..." "Evil?" Blake interrupts making me close my mouth and nod.

I hear him laugh as he slides his fingers through his hair, "I'm not evil Harley, you of all people should know that. I did what I did to prove something, I did it for you, for us." Before I could move, Blake was in front of me grabbing my hands. "The moment I meet you, the moment my father made you, I knew we should be together. But our love was forbidden." I watched as his eyes start to show some blue again. "Blake... I'm not..." "But you are. Harley, you're an angel. The angel my father made to be with Michale." He says as I feel his hands start to lose their grip on mine.

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