Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Bellatrix? Bellatrix are you listening?" I hear as I open my eyes to see Michael looking at me a smile on his face. "Hmm?" I ask making him laugh, "Gabriel asked you a question." He says as I look past him to see his brother, another Archangel with light brown hair that went past his shoulders just like Michael's. It's funny how all the brothers look alike, expect for Lucifer. "I'm sorry Gabriel, I was lost in thought, and what did you ask me?" I ask making Gabriel laugh as he looks at Michael, "Father did well on her Michael, she's perfect for you." He said making me blush a bit.

"But what I asked was how you liking Earth?" He asks as he takes a drink of his wine. My already big smile got bigger, "Oh I love it! Humans are wonderful creatures; I just want to understand them more." I say as I feel Michael's arm go around my shoulders. "I couldn't agree more." "I could." I hear behind me as I and Michael turn to see by the door is Lucifer, his short raven black hair slick back with his red eyes just glaring at Michael and me. "Samuel, what are you doing here?" Michael asks holding me closer.

Lucifer walks through the door and up to me as he takes my hand and kisses it, "Frist of all brother, don't call me Samuel, my name is Lucifer, a name that no one will forget. And second, I was invited by Bellatrix." He moans my name making me look away. I can feel Michael and Lucifer's eyes on me. "Bell? Why would you invite him?" Michael hissed making my head shot up to him, "Your father asked me too." I say as I look back at Lucifer and smile, "I'm happy you could join us for dinner Lucifer." I say making him nod, "Happy to join." He says as he locks eyes with his brother.

You could feel the tensing in the room by all three brothers, until I clear my throat, "Shall we head the dining room for dinner?" I say moving past Lucifer feeling his hand touch mine making a shiver go up my arm. I can't deny my feelings towards Lucifer; we have a connection that we can't explain. He made my heart beat faster than Michael ever has. "Great idea Bellatrix." Gabriel says as I hear him following me along with two more footsteps. I just pray that this dinner goes well.

I take my seat next to Michael as we break our bread and say our prays and begin to eat. "Did my father really ask you to invite Samuel?" I hear Michael's voice in my head making me glare at him and then nod slightly so his brothers don't see. After this night all I wanted to do was drink wine and let lose. "Thank you for inviting me to your lovely home Bellatrix, you really made Earth your real home didn't you?" Gabriel said taking a bit of his meal.

"Well I really think I feel more at home here than in Heaven." I say telling the truth, I might be an angel but if I had a choice, I would just live here on Earth longer than a few months. But I know I will have to go back to Heaven and marry Michael, even if I don't want too. I hear a laugh breaking me from my thoughts. I look over at Lucifer who is laughing at me. "What is so funny?" I hiss making Lucifer quite down. "Oh nothing my dear lady, I mean I agree humans are fantastic creatures but why live with them? I mean they are all wanted to be like our father, good honest people correct? But where's the fun in that?" He asks making everyone looking at him.

"What are you saying brother?" Gabriel asks raising an eyebrow. Lucifer shrugged, "Nothing, I'm just specking gibberish." He says looking at me his eyes calling for me. I shake my head, I need to change this talk and fast, "So, who wants dessert?" I say as I stand and walk to the kitchen to grab the cake I made. "How about I help?" I hear Michael ask as he stands and walks with me. As we reach the kitchen, I hear him close the door, "Bell... What are you thinking?" I hear him say making me sigh, "I told you Michael, your father..." "Bellatrix! I swear if you lie to me one more time I'm going to scream now tell me the truth."

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