Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The first thing I could think of was how loud it was in this club, but the good thing about it was that I couldn't hear anyone's thoughts well... not as much. It was like heaven to my brain. "Harley! Come dance!" I hear Alice call me as I join her on the dancefloor. It felt like ages since I've danced like this, just relaxing and letting my body get taken away with the music. I look over at me to see Park and Tullia dancing, their forehead touching, neither one of them looking away from each other.

I won't lie, I wish I had love like those two, Park and Tullia's thoughts were the only thoughts I didn't mean to hear every once in a while, because they were only thinking of each other, but it sucks because I know Park is going to ask Tullia to marry her soon, and I have to hide that from her which is not easy. I turn to Dove and Alice who are both dancing with two pretty looking guys, and I was alone. I sigh as I get off the dance floor and go to the bar. The bartender looks at me with a cocky smile, "What can I get you cutie?" He asks his blue eyes looking me up and down. "A Chuck Norris please." I say trying not to hiss at him.

"I.D." He says as I slide him my I.D. showing him I just turned of age. "Well, happy birthday Miss. O'Heir. Drink is on the house." He says as he walks away and starts to make my drink. "So it's your birthday huh?" I hear next to me. I turn my head to see a man maybe in his 20's with blonde hair that was tied back and his blue eyes looking at me. I nod as I see my drink get sit on the bar in front of me. "Maybe I can buy the next drink for you?" He asks. I take a drink but shake my head, "Sorry but I rather just buy my own drinks and not form a stranger." I say. I start to walk away when I feel the man grab my hand and start to shake it.

I turn my head to him, "My name is Michael." He says. "Harley." I say and take my hand back. "See now we're not strangers." I do a small laugh, "You are so sneaky aren't you?" I say as I sit next to him. He shrugs and take a drink of his beer. "Well, I think you're cute, so why not get to know you better? Also, happy birthday." He says as he puts his beer glass up. I smile and clink out glasses together, "Thank you." I say as I finish my drink. I look at Michael, he was handsome, funny and sweet, but I wasn't feeling anything to him, but maybe him buying me one drink will kill me. I lend in closer to him, "So, about that drink."


The night was just getting younger the longer I stayed with Michael, after one drink together, I just kept drinking more with him. I could feel the alcohol workings its magic on me. I couldn't stop giggling; hitting Michael on the arm and all I wanted to do was dance and drink. "Come on, let's dance." I say as I grab Michael's arm and start to pull him to the dancefloor. "Alright, alright, but I warn you, I'm an awful dancer." He says as we get to the middle of the dancefloor and start to dance.

He wraps his arms around my waist as I put my arm around his neck and start to move my hips back and forth. Michael lends his head to my ear and whispers, "I like how you dance." He says and I feel a shiver go down my spine. "Thanks." I whisper as he pulls back and starts to look into my eyes, "I love your eyes, never have I seen purple eyes before." He says making my cheeks warm up, "Thank you." I say not knowing what else to say. He smiles as he starts to lend in. I closed my eyes waiting for him to kiss me, not really caring that I was going to kiss a total stranger. Before our lips could touch I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn to and feel my eyes widen, black mop top hairstyle, dark blue eyes and a devil smile, Blake Nightshade. "May I cut in Michael?" I hear Blake say his voice dark and his eyes on me.

"Well, Blake, it's nice to see you, I thought you didn't go to your own clubs." Michael says as he takes his hands off my waist and I move my hands away. Blake keeps his eyes on me making me stiff up a little, what was he doing here? Finally he looks over at Michael. "And I thought you didn't like clubs, but I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here to see if maybe Miss. O'Heir would like to dance." He says and looks back at me.

I look back to Blake and then to Michael, I had no idea what was going on, and with so much alcohol I couldn't hear anyone thoughts, not even my own. "You don't have to go with him Harley; you can stay here and dance with me." Michael says as he grabs my hand. "Now now Michael, let the girl talk, and I think I know her a little better than you, right Harley?" Blake says and takes my other hand and I felt a spark go up my arm. I can't handle this, "I need another drink." I say as I push past them both and walk to the bar. "Harley!" I hear both of the boys yell my name but I just kept walking. What was happening? Why was Blake here? How did Blake and Michael know each other? What do they want with me? All these questions keep going through my head as I reach the bar. The same bartender was there again; with his cocky smile again, "So another drink cutie?" I nod as he already puts a drink on the bar. "Where's your boyfriend?" He asks as I grab my drink and quickly drink it down. "His... his not my boyfriend." I say not making the words work anymore.

"Oh really? Then, what are you doing later tonight?" The bartender asks making me look at him, "I'm going home, alone." I say. But the bartender just keeps looking at me, his eyes giving me a hungry look. Work faster... I hear him say in his head. "What did you say?" I ask as I feel my head start to spin, my eyes playing tricks on me. "I said what you doing tonight?" He asks as I step back seeing the room start to spin more. "What... What did you do?" I ask as he jumps over the bar and grabs my arm.

"I just gave you something to help you loosen up." He says as he pulls me away from the crowd. "No... I don't..." I try to say but nothing was working. My leg even stop working as he pretty much drags me out of the club. I wanted to scream and call for help but, I knew it wouldn't work. "Harley!?" I hear someone call me. I turn my head and in the middle of the dancefloor is Alice, screaming my name. I watch as she turns to someone, "Have you seen someone who has the same face as me but with long blonde hair and violet eyes?" She asks. I wanted to call out to her but the bartender pushes me inside a small room and closes the door.

"Please... My... is worried..." I say not making any sense. The bartender turns to me and starts to take off his shirt, "Don't worry cutie, this will be fast, and you won't even remember a thing." He says as he pushes me to the wall and starts to kiss my neck. I feel tears go down my face, I was powerless to him. "I've never fucked a girl with purple eyes before, this should be fun." He says as he grabs my face and pulls me in kissing my lips. I feel his hands go down to my waist and to my legs moving his hand up my leg.

I closed my eyes, praying this nightmare will end. Before the bartender could take off my dress, I feel a pressure get lifted off of me. I open my eyes to see the bartender pushed up on a different wall away from me. I start to side to the ground as I watch whoever was saving me. "Don't you dare lay a fucken hand on her!" I hear as I feel my mind going in and out. "Who the hell are you!? Get your hands off of me, stay out of this!" The bartender yells trying to push off the guy but he just pushed the bartender harder on the wall. "You are damn lucky I can't kill you right now, but don't worry, because your life will be short, and when you die, I'll be waiting for you, in hell." The man yells and I could feel my eyes start to close.

Before I passed out, I could hear the bartender start to scream and I could hear one more thought, the devil is real. He thought before everything went silent.

Hey guys!! Sorry for the cursing but happens sometimes. I don't curse a lot in my stories but when I feel like it has to happen, it will happen. So I will say again sorry. What do you guy think of about Michael? Who do you think he is? Also there will be more Harley and Blake moments in the next chapter. I hope you guys like the chapter though! Leave me some comments and votes if you want too but I do want to hear from you guys! Sorry for my grammar and spelling, until next update guys! Love you all!

~Kitty Kat

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