Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I slowly open my eyes, to see I'm in a white room, with light shining through the window next to me. I try and sit up but my head was killing me and just trying to siting up makes it worse. I move my hand up to my head to see that I have an IV in my hand. "What?" I ask myself. "Harley!" I hear next to me but before I could even turn my head, I feel a two arms around me, "Oh god, I was so worried." I hear Alice as she starts to cry into my shoulder. I thought you were dead... I thought... I kept hearing her say in her head over and over again. "Alice... What happened?" I ask trying to remember what happened last night but it was all a blur, but I did remember someone saying, you are damn lucky I can't kill you right now, but don't worry, because your life will be short, and when you die, I'll be waiting for you, in hell. I keep hearing in my head, that one quote that just stuck in my head.

I feel Alice pull away from me she was still in her dress from last night, "You got drugged last night, by that bastard of a bartender." She says as she wiping a tear away from her perfect face. Even if she had make-up running down her face, she was still perfect. I haven't seen Alice cry since our mother died. "I should have watched you better, but I just didn't..." She starts to say but I quickly grab her hand, "No one knew Alice, it's okay. I'm safe. I have a huge headache, and I'm really tried but that's it." I say and start to pet her hand trying to calm down. I see her take a deep breath as she finally nods, "I know, thank god for Blake Nightshade... If he didn't find you, lord knows what would have happened." She says as she takes her hand back and moves her red messy hair out of her face.

"Wait, Blake? Blake saved me?" I ask she puts her hair in a pony it keeps it from going in her face. She nods, "Yeah, he saw you getting dragged and he chased after you. He scared the shit out of the bartender too, his locked up now in a psych ward!" She says. I've been trying to understand what she was saying, "What do you mean his in a psych ward? I don't understand." I say as she stands, "He keeps saying he saw the devil, that he devil is after him." She says as she kisses the top of my head, "I'm going to get your food, and tell Blake you're awake." She says and starts to walk to the door.

"Wait, wait, Alice!" I yell making her stop as she opens the door, "Blake is here!?" I ask shocked. She nods and a smile goes on her face, "He stayed the whole night like I did, he said he couldn't leave you." I start to mess with my hair, "Alice, I look like I got hit by a bus!" I say which just makes her laugh, "Well you're in the hospital, you're not support to look good, I think its sweet he wants to see you." She says as she walks out and closes the door behind her. I take a deep breath in; I can't let Blake see me like this...

I look next to me to see that Alice grabbed my purse for me. I start to dig through it to see none of my make-up. I hiss at myself as I throw my purses, "Great..." I thought as I put my head in my hands. "Are you looking for this dearie?" I hear making my head shoot up and look over to see Blake. I feel my heart start to beat faster. He was wearing a nice blue shirt and pair of blue jeans and his lending up on the door, holding my lipstick, and mascara in his hand. "Did you go through my purse?" I ask as she walks over to me.

He sits on the bed, my hand touching his side as he shook his head, "No, when Kevin attacked you, your purse fell and well, this is what I grabbed that fell from your purse." He says as he hands them to me. "Thank you." I say as I put them on the table next to me, no use to me now. "And thank you for saving me last night... I don't really remember what happened last night at all." I say as I move my hand through my tangled hair. "I'm just happy I was there. What do you remember?" He asks as he moves me so he can lay on the bed with me, his arm around me. I put my head on his chest and I don't know it just felt... right.

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