Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Blake's Story

I open my eyes to see that I'm not on Earth, I'm somewhere dark and alone. I feel dirt under my hand as I start to grab for it, trying to move. "Careful brother, you don't want to hurt yourself." I hear as I look up and feel my eyes darken, my skin starts to crawl, "Michael." I hiss as my brother lowers himself to my eye level. "Where am I?" I ask still trying to stand. "Well, you said you always wanted a kingdom, so..." Michael stands and opens his arms. "Welcome to your own little kingdom Samuel, or should I call you, Lucifer?"

I darken my glare, "That doesn't answer my question." I say trying to control my anger. "You want to know where your kingdom is? It's below Earth, buried so far, that only God knows where to find it." Michael says and he turns his back to me, I can't believe he said our father's name, he never done before. I felt something dark and twisted growing in him, the light that use to be there, is slowly disappearing.

"You did this to keep me away from Bellatrix." I say making him nod, "Bingo brother, I thought, hell I would give him a kingdom that he always wanted." He says as he snaps his fingers and turns back to me, "And that's what we'll call it, Hell. Lucifer, the King of Hell. I like it, what do you think?" He ask with smirk. All I wanted to do was punch him in his perfect teeth, but I still can't move. "You really think keeping me here will stop me from getting to my true love? Our souls are bond together. There is nothing you do will stop me, I will get her back.

"And I'll take her to Earth, that's the kingdom she wants, and that's the kingdom she will get." I yell hoping it would scare him a little but... It just made him start to laugh. "You really are naive Lucifer, you're never going to get her back." I watch as he walks back to me and the closer he gets, I start to see a angel sword glowing, the one sword that can hurt any angel.

"Don't worry Lucifer, this will only hurt for a second." Michael says as he raises his sword and goes down making me scream bloody murder. I felt a burn on my back, hot tears going down my face as I saw my beautiful white wings laying next to me. "What have you done?" I yell as I feel my wings lay on my back and Michael slowly touches them making me flinch.

"I haven't done anything yet Lucifer, this is just the beginning." Michael says as he touches my forehead making me scream again, my head was on fire. "Have fun Lucifer." Michael says as he opens his wings and flies off. I didn't know what he meant, I till I feel more pain again. I start to scream as I roll on my back finally again. I left my head up as I move my body and look around my new kingdom, as the pain down my arm to my hand.

I feel it twitch making me look down to see my skin turning a light gray. I raise my hand as it starts moving in weird angles. "What..." I start to question as I feel the pain go to my head again. I move my hands over my head trying to numb the pain. But it quickly went to my stomach. I grab it and scream, my body was changing. I raise my shirt to see the gray was moving over my chest. I let out another scream as I feel something crave in my chest. I remove my shirt and look to see markings.

"No..." I whisper as I arch my back and felt like something was trying to come out from my back where my wings use to be. The pain in my head got worse as I reach my hand up to feel something coming out, it felt like horns. "Ah!" I yell as my arm, legs and neck start to move in different angles trying to make me into something new. I start to hit the ground with pain and anger until... The pain stopped. I open my eyes, and I knew I was different, I felt stronger and more powerful.

I slowly start to stand as I look around my kingdom, a kingdom alone. I look up above me and smile, "Oh Michael, you just made a huge mistake."

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