Thirty four

233 6 3

Rose's POV

They had been moving me around.
After Jason had come in that day and cut my hair, they put a sack over my head and dragged me out of the room. I had tried to stand on my feet and walk with them but my leg hurt so much, I just couldn't. So I was just dragged outside and thrown in a van.

I think I was in the van for about and hour, but I'm not sure. Not seeing sunlight for a while makes it hard to remember time. When the sack was removed I was back in a tiny dark room again.

I don't even know how long I've been here to be honest. My guess is a few weeks, but I'm not sure. Everyday I wake up hoping today Harry would come for me, but I was still here.

My leg started to heal and soon I found my strength back. I started training myself to walk again. I could only walk in the small space I was locked in and I was so scared I might do something wrong and hurt my leg again, but I had to try.

After Jason had cut of my hair I felt so humiliated. Every time I touched my head I wanted to cry. I was bald and ugly and couldn't even properly walk. I lost everything. My husband, my son, my ability to dance, my hair. I wanted to sleep until it was all over but I couldn't I had to try and stay positive. I had to have faith in Harry. He would come for me I'm sure of it.

I was driving myself insane just walking in circles in this room. I've been trying to make some conversation with the guy guarding my door, but all I knew was that his name was Jake and I know that because someone else had called him. No one was talking to me. They just come in once in a while to bring me food and another book. I got one meal a day which consisted of a piece of bread, which was really dry, water and usually an apple. I lost quite a lot of weight and my bones felt really cold. I was scared and hungry most of the time and I hated it that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

I sat down on the bed and took out the book from under my pillow. Might as well read this boring thing I thought when Jake walked in.

"Time to shower." He said and he held the door open.

They let me take a shower every other day. It wasn't a nice shower though. It was ice cold and I couldn't really wash myself properly because the water supply was limited. I walked out of the room and Jake grabbed my arm so I wouldn't run away from him. His grip was tight and it kind of hurt.

Every time I was allowed to take a shower I tried to look around for exits and I took in my surroundings. I tried to figure out a way to escape next time they let me take a shower. I just had to be patient and smart. Until I could properly walk again I didn't stand a chance for sure. But my leg was getting better. I was able to stand at least a full minute and walk for at least five. I knew it wasn't enough yet to escape, but I was hopeful.

The room they kept me in was at the end of a long hall and I had to walk all the way down the hall to reach the showers which was hard. In the beginning I couldn't even make it down the hall so they came in with a bucket of water and that was all I could wash myself with. Now I can walk the whole thing without falling so that's a good sign. It still hurts, but it's bearable.

I think this used to be a high school or something because of the long halls and all the rooms. It was always dark in here. They had covered all the windows with black tape so the only light I had was from a fluorescent. I looked around and saw the same door I see every time at the end of the hall when I go to the showers, but this time it was open. And as I past it, sunlight touched my skin and I had never been so happy to feel the sun.
For a moment all the bad things faded away and I could breath again. The warmth of the sun embraced me and I closed my eyes when the light hit my face. I felt peace return to my soul for just a second but it was the best second I had had in a while. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I couldn't help it when I broke down in tears. I wanted nothing more than to run outside right now and let the sunlight consume me, but instead I was harshly pulled away from it by my arm and I felt the tears stream down my face as the cold returned to my body and the dark took over again.

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