"Nope," I replied.  I'm still not helping you."

"Very well then," She sighed. "Before I do anything, since you were demanding for reasons on why I was sending minions after you to capture you, I'll tell you why. You see, to open the way to the world's heart, we need seven Princesses of Heart. We currently have six and we are still figuring out whose the seventh. But, we will need one more person. The Weaver of the Hearts."

"And what exactly does The Weaver of the Hearts do?" I asked.

"With their power, they can weave together the seven Princesses of Heart's to open the way to the world's heart," she continued.

"And who exactly is this Weaver of Hearts?" I said.

"It's," She faced me. "You."

"Me?" I gasped, shocked. "The Weaver of Hearts is...me?! But how?"

"Haven't you noticed any strange visions that you get when you seal the Keyhole up for each of the world you visit?" She asked. Those...visions? The ones where I see that big weaving? "Yes, those visions," She said, as if she was reading my mind.

"B-but..." I sputtered.

"Last chance; now do you want to help?" She snapped.

"NO!!!" I yelled. "I may posses some 'great almighty power' or whatever, but I still won't help you!"

"Such a stubborn one," She sighed. "You remind me of that man ten years ago that I helped to awaken the darkness in his heart. Now, what was his name again? Oh well, that's not important right now. I'll have to use the same method that I used on that boy to get you to work with me."

Her staff began to glow and I felt some kind of power surge through me, trying to take over my mind. "Ugh!" I groaned, emitting a green aura.

"Such strong willpower, unlike that boy," She noticed.

Her staff light up some more and more of the power went through me. I groaned some more as I sat on my knees, clutching my head. "You're still not under my control?" She asked, shocked. "Such a strong one. This one should get you under my control!" She made her staff glow even brighter and I gasped. I felt my mind go blank. Like I was a puppet on strings.

"Finally, now your under my spell," Maleficent said. "Now, weave the six Princesses' hearts together!"

Making no effort to struggle, I lifted my Keyblade into the air. Six beams of white light came from another room hit my Keyblade. Cherry blossoms began to circle me. I closed my eyes and was pulled into the trance. Instead of seeing a big weaving in front of me, I saw a loom. But, I knew exactly what to do. I directed the six beams of light onto the loom and they turned into colorful,thread. I pointed my Keyblade at it and the six pieces of thread began to weave together. They kept of weaving and weaving until every last thread was woven into the weaving. I noticed a piece of the weaving missing. The seventh heart, Maleficent told me in my head, it's missing. We don't know where it is. But for right now, it looks perfect. Now, wait for a couple of seconds before the full effect takes place.

I watched the weaving. Then, a wave of darkness coming form the top of the weaving engulfed all the color, turning it black with blood-red streaks. The weaving had a dark aura. Yes, now it's perfect! Maleficent cheered. Well done, Sakura! You've played your part very well.

I was pulled out of my trance and I looked down at my hands. I'm my hand were two weapons; one was a Keyblade a head that had two blades that formed a heart shape, a black guard handle and a red and black hilt. The other one was a sword that's blade was a dark pink beam of light. The two weapons in my hands disappeared. I looked up to see the giant Keyhole behind Maleficent was filled with colors, though mostly black and purple lightning. "Well done, Sakura," Maleficent complimented. "You played your part well. Now, I will remove the darkness I used on you to get you to control you."

She waved her staff in the air and I felt sleepy. As I sunk to the ground, Maleficent was looking at me in shock. "What?What's going on? How come it's not going away?" I didn't hear the rest cause I fainted.


I walked into the area where I left Sakura with Kairi in my arms. I placed her right beside Sakura as I walked up beside Maleficent. "So, I see the path as emerged at last," I said.

"Yes," She replied. "The Keyhole to the darkness."

"Unlock it and the Heartless will overrun this world."

"What do I care? The darkness holds no power over me. Rather, I will use its power to rule all worlds."

"Such confidence." I summoned up the Keyblade Sakura made.

"Oh!" She smiled but then frowned. "Impossible! The Princesses of Heart are all here! It must be her."

She turned and walked over to Kairi. I followed her. "Without her heart," I said. "She will never be able to release her power. And the other one." I stared a Sakura. She looked awake since her eyes were open but she really was asleep since she wasn't reacting to what's going on. The eyes that were once filled with the color of ice was nothing but two black pupils. "What happened to her?" I asked.

"In order to get her to work for me, I had to use the darkness in her heart," She explained. "However, she had so much willpower to resist me that I had to enhance the darkness to use it against her. A bit too much, I say. Now she's like you now. I put her on orders that when she wakes up, you and her will find the boy and kill him."

A sound of something crashing in something else was heard. I jerked my head up. "The king's fools are here," She sighed. "I'll deal with them. You stand here and guard the princesses and wait for the girl to wake up."

She left the room and I felt the power that the mysterious man in the brown coat help me discover surge through me. I followed her close behind. There's something I need it take care of with her first.


I dreamt that I was circling down an endless hole of darkness. On and on, I would go down the hole. It seemed like there was no end. Until, I felt someone shake me I saw my vision focus on it Riku. He looked different then the last time I saw him. He was wearing a black and violet bodysuit with matching boots that had a black heart on his chest, a white skirt that looks like it's made of feathers and red gloves with blue fingers. "R-Riku?" I asked. "What happened to you?"

"Long story," he said. He didn't sound like Riku anymore. He sounded like Riku and another voice speaking. But, instead of two voices speaking separately, they spoke as one. "But, take a look at you."

He took out a mirror and put it in front of my face. I saw my eyes that were once filled with an icy blue color were now black. "Maleficent used the darkness to control you," He explained. "She thinks she used a little too much on you which caused you to be in the same state as I'm in right now."

I was expecting myself to start running around screaming, but I felt strangely calm about my eyes. Because I remembered that one order Maleficent left me with. "My eyes aren't important," I shrugged. "We need to get rid of Sora."

My gut screamed, No, don't do that! You're being controlled by the darkness! Resist it! But my mind ignored it. Even though my gut thought it was wrong, my head knew it was orders to be followed. "Wh--" Riku sputtered but he stopped himself. "You're right. They're coming our way, fast. If we want to stop them, we have to act now."

I nodded, turned and saw Kairi. "Any luck on getting her heart back?"

"Nope, but she's one of the Princesses of Heart," He said.

"What?" I gasped. "Then where's her heart?"

He motioned me to come over to him. I came over and he whispered in my ear. I grinned, "Oh, another reason why we need to get rid of him."

Weaver of the HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now